(Chapter 2)(black eye)

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(Chapter 2)(black eye)

(Jax's p.o.v)

I had come home with a black eye, I had gotten my ass kicked during a run. My nanny, that I had for Dean was cleaning up, her hair was a mess. "I can't take it anymore your child is crazy!!" The older woman says. "What?" I asked confused. "You heard me Mr. Teller, I'm done, find someone else to care for this hellion ". She says hatefully. She left and slammed the door. I looked at Dean she cowered into the corner. "What did you do?" I asked. "She called you stupid and a bad dad". She says maturely . "And what did you do?" I asked my blood beginning to boil , I could find a new nanny at this short notice. "I b..bit h.her". She stuttered. I must've had my angry face on be cause she cowered further into the corner. "You bit her!" I yelled. She covered her ears; scared to death. I realized that I was scaring her, she had never done anything bad before so she didn't know punishment. "Daddy don't yell". She cried. "Dean Grace why the hell would you bite somebody, no matter what they say about me ; you don't bite , hit or anything like that". "You hear me". I say. "Yes daddy". She says sadly.

She went to run off and I grabbed her. "Where you going?" I asked her. "To my room". She says. "Why are you mad, you mad at me for fussing at you."? I asked looking at her. She sighed . "No, what happened to your eye ?" She asked. "I got in a fight". I say. "Did they deserve it ?" She asked me. "I sure hope so". I say. I put her down. "Have you eaten lunch yet?" I asked her. She shook her head No.

I fixed her lunch, she ate; every now and then she glanced up at my black eye. She finished eating, and threw away the paper plate.

I laid on the couch with my 3 year old on my chest hoping we'd both get some sleep.

I woke later to something cold on my hurt eye. I opened my good eye to see Dean holding an ice pack on my eye. I smiled. "Thanks baby, but I think this ones gonna take a few days to go away." I say. I kissed her cheek. "Thanks anyway". I say. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier, but you know better than to bite". I say to her. "I know, she mean". Dean says. "I'm sorry she was mean but baby you can't bite no matter what unless someone puts there hands on you to hurt you then you bite okay." I say. "Okay. " she says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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