6. Rent

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Imagine a situation where you couldn't run or you made a very bad choice. Maybe like, when a teacher asked you to carry a lot of books, but then you got lost. That's where regret hit, wasn't it?

What was decided will be her path. She casually walked to the man's arm, clenched it closer to her. "Well, ladies. I'll see you all soon. Let's go, Kariah?"


She pulled his arm far away from the ladies while putting on a sugarcoated smile. "Y/n, my name isn't Kariah. It's Kaeya."

"Close enough. Now where should I be walking you?"

Wasn't the role reversed? He was supposed to walk her home, like in romance novels where she read. Her face was still calm and was still smiling nontheless. Her hand released his arm, crossing her hands to another. "Well, where would you like me to walk you?"

"Hmm, Food Hunter? So we can have a small reunion."

"Wow, we met only a week ago."

Her calm gaze added more casual atmosphere, despite it being a bit awkward... or a bit weird. "Really? But we didn't have any official reunion."

"I have to say, you have quite a blabber mouth for a captain."

He was hit right on the chest while smiling the pain. He snaked his arms around her shoulders, pulling it closer to his warmth一which she instantly removed it. "Watch where you're touching."

Her tone.

Her tone was demanding, full of threats, and no nonsense, but she's still smiling. Her smile slowly felt like it's some kind of insult where Kaeya needed to be careful. 'How odd.' Kaeya commented in his own mind as he watched how calm she was.

"You've grown calmer than usual but cold when I hover around you."

"Cold when you hover around me? I'm very honored to hear your comment."

"Wow, you've grown less affectionate now that it's been five years."

Silence fell upon them once again, that seemed to be their favourite activity to do. Her e/c were shooting a blank stare to the fountain before the stairs of a huge building. She wasn't at lost nor was she longed for something.

But the small light managed to illuminate the light一just a bit. "This is the end of our route. Thank you, Sir Kaeya."


"Ms. L/n, the rent."

The first thing she saw in front of her house was the owner of the not-so-nice house. "Rent? Hasn't Miss Lysafia paid?" She asked the man in question which he responded with a shook. "No. Weren't your father and your mother一"

"Miss Lysafia."

She corrected the collecter who cleared his throat. "Yes, Miss Lysafia and your father are at the hotel together before their wedding," he tried to remind一which seemed to be informing her as she was lacking of information.

Simple: the moras Y/n handed to her father and the fiancee was used for their luxurious life that Y/n couldn't keep up. "M-my payment... how about一"

"Y/n, you've been delaying for months. At first, I agreed to delay because of your mother's condition. But, some people also need to pay the bills, you know?" The old man reminded her for her own good, which tasted bitter for the lady. "O-oh, b-but please. Give me one more month and I'll pay you一"

"I'm sorry, but I can't delay any longer. And if that so, we know the agreement of the contract."

She gulped in nervous as she tried to process slowly. "W-wait, h-here, take my moras." She shuffled through her bags and finally landed on a hard cushion. "No, I'm not a mugger. What about you daily life needs?"

Evanescent [GI Kaeya x Reader x Diluc]Where stories live. Discover now