Chapter 6

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—Korra's pov—

After training with my aunt I wanted to talk to my father about the 100 year war and about me. I went inside to look for him with Ming-Hua.

"P'Li and Ming-Hua I need you to deliver these to the docks, I'll have Ghazan load up the truck" he said making him earn nods "Ghazan after loading up the trucks, I want you and Korra to take the other packages to the bridge, Korra go ahead a load the next truck" I nodded at his demand "I'll stay back making the next plan for the attack on cabbage Corp"

"Yessir!" We shouted synchronized

Me and Ghazan helped the ladies load the trucks, I finish first since I didn't have much boxes so I took the opportunity to talk with my father. I found him in his studies, I knocked grabbing his attention.

"Korra, did you finish loading up the truck?" He asked looking at a paper map of the cabbage Corp building. "Yes father" I responded

"Good, what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I spoke shyly not knowing how he would react. He put his pencil down and looked up at me "of course please talk to me, is something troubling you?" He asked

"No, I just wanted to know..." how am I going to put this "am I the missing Avatar?" I blurted it out and notice his eyes widen. "I'm sorry it's just we were learning the 100 year war today and he started explaining what an avatar was-" he raised his hand for me to stop talking. "Korra, I understand what you're feeling, when you get back and after I discuss the plan for tonight, I promise I'll sit down with you and we can have a conversation about this, alright?" He gave me a stern look. I cleared my throat "yes father" I walked out the room and got in the front seat of the truck Ghazan was in.

"You alright kid?" My uncle asked as he started the truck. I faced the window letting out a breath "everything's fine, let's just do this delivery"

"Yes ma'am" he smiled driving off.

Moments later we parked next to the bridge and saw the people gather by the car. Ghazan and I got out the car and handed boxes to the people, many thank us with smiles and others asked for less so the kids could have more things.

This was my favorite part, giving to the people in need. I knew many people here but I knew this one guy the longest, Gommu, he use to be a telegraph operator back in the days but ever since phones and radios became a thing he lost his job, I met him in a bush in the city's park, he was a funny man.

I grabbed a box and headed under the bridge looking for Gommu, I walked seeing tents, campfires and kids playing around with broken dolls. It broke my heart seeing this.

"There's my favorite person!!" Gommu jumped out of his tent running up to me "say is that for me?" He smiled pointing at the box I held. I gave him a nod and smiled at the site of his happiness "how's it going Gommu?" I handed him the box.

"Same old same old" he said with a shrug as he look through the box of things. We chatted for a bit till my uncle said it was time to go.

I hopped in the truck and my uncle based me a mask, my mask, I looked over at him confused. "I got a last minute call from Zaheer, he told me the plan for Cabbage Corp, in order for it to go well, we need another water bender" he smiled "we'll meet up at the place, suit up meanwhile"

—end of pov—

Asami had her hands in the pockets of her future industries jacket as she walked through the empty city side walks listening to her music in her headphones.

Out of no where she was tackled onto the ground with a yelp. "What the hell is your prob-" she stopped talking as she opened her eyes finding blue ones stuck onto hers, it felt as if time stopped for her. She found herself laying on the ground with a person on top of her, they wear a blue demon mask, darker than their eyes.

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