Chapter 8

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Asami, Opal and Bolin met up with Mako and Wu at the pizza place. They ordered and sat down at a table by the window and waited for their pizza.

"Ou guess what!" Opal said excited "Mr. Tenzin planned a field trip for next month!"

"Really already?" Bolin asked as he took a sip of his drinking earning a nod from Opal. "He said it's a 3 week trip and he's only picking 10 kids from each class to go" Wu pointed out "you need to have good grades, good attendance and atleast 1 teacher has to recommend you"

"What is this field trip?" Asami asked

Opal cleared her throat ready to give a speech "we well be traveling to each nation starting with the Northern Watertribes for 3 days, The Fire Nation for 5 day, The Earth Kingdom 6 days, The Air Temples-" she was cut off by Bolin "I thought the Air Temples were destroyed"

"Well no one lives there, it's like a really ancient place but there's still stuff for us to learn" Wu gave Bolin a answer. "Anyways back to where I left off" Opal said glaring at Bolin "we're only spending a day at the air temple since there's no where to stay, then we'll end it off with a trip to the South Watertribes for 8 days"

"Why 8 days?" Mako asked with a raised brow

"because on the 7th day if our stay it will mark 13 years when the Chief's daughter vanished, since there's no new Avatar the Chief thinks his daughter it's still out there, so what him and his wife do is light lanterns and the spirits will help guide then higher into the air in hopes the Avatar can find her way home. They do it every year." Opal notified.

"We'll be staying in lodges and can go skiing and snowboarding after the first 2 days" Wu said shaking his boyfriend

"I hate the cold" Mako said nonchalantly making Wu stop his action. "Shut up fire bender" Wu said rolling his eyes.

The server came with the pizza putting it in the center of the table and left 5 plates. "Thank you" Bolin said with a cheesy grin. "No problem, enjoy" the server said giving everyone a smile and Asami a wink then left.

"Ouu he fine, did you see the muscle on that guy" Wu said smirking at Asami "What do you think Asami? He looks about our age" Opal said while nudging Asami's shoulders

"What? No" Asami chuckled with a faint blush on her face

"Oh come on, he gave you a wink, he likes you" Opal said with a grin "you're the only one that isn't coupled up"

"Asami, remember the discussion we had earlier, the one about Kuvira, Korra and some random ass person?" Bolin asked randomly earning a nod from said woman "in my opinion, pick this guy" Bolin gestured to the server

"He's not even an option"Asami chuckled. Bolin looked disappointed taking a slice "but we could get free pizza" he whined

"Speaking of the conversation from before, Kuvira's gonna try to ask you out, I don't know when or how but it's happening" Opal shrugged

"Dang Asami, you have a whole list of people to choose from, I wish I had that" Wu joked which made Mako let go of his hand and cross his arms "noted" The upset boyfriend said making Wu laugh "babe I'm kidding, I did have a list, just not a good one"


"What? Didn't you have a list, which I doubt 'cause it's you and you ended up with me" Wu asked. Mako looked away still with his arms crossed "it was between you, some girl i only met twice and...Iroh" the fire bender mumbled

"Iroh?! You had Iroh on your list!?" Wu yelled

"Wait Iroh II? As in Kuvira's best friend?" Opal asked. "As in the huge asshole in the school" Bolin added earning a nod

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