‣ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ 11☁️

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ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ: Telling him you love him for the first time in the last moment before he leaves.

Not many people could say they were friends with such a great man like Johnny Depp. On the other hand, it was all the more likely that this friendship remained a friendship, even though one felt a little more. This was also the case in your situation, who had a little crush on him from the beginning. You looked up to him, admired his successes and talent, not to mention he was the only man you were ever attracted to in your life. Everytime you talked, or just saw him, millions of butterflies in your stomach. It was great to be with him, but you were always very worried about the thought that he didn't feel anything more.

One afternoon you were sitting on his couch and talking while he was strumming his guitar.

"I love watching you play." You said, looking at him with a dreamy look.

"Thank you darling. I can teach you too if you're interested." He answered with the cutest smile.

"I'd love that." You said with a smiling too, moving closer to him.

"Oh, I didn't even say we're going on a world tour the Vampires next week. I won't see you for a month or two." He said with a bittersweet tone in his voice.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you, that's great news but... I'll miss you so."

"I'll miss you too. You're so sweet." He replied, and put down the guitar to pull you into a hug. You thought about telling him what you wanted so much, but this time you weren't able to do it either, and you hated yourself enough for that.

For the rest of the week, you just thought about him going away for so much time without knowing your feelings. So far, it seemed like a good idea to keep it a secret, but that was enough. You wanted him to know, since he was the most important thing to you. Watching romantic movies didn't help the situation at all, and in the end you decided to really tell him. It was Saturday when Johnny and his band set off. At the airport, you said goodbye and hugged him for a long time before he let go, and kissed the top of your head. There was a moment that would have been appropriate for your confession, but then his bodyguards came to tell him it was time to take off on the plane. So, Johnny had to go, and you were left standing in the waiting room.

Through the huge window, you could see them getting out of the building and walking towards the private jet. Then you suddenly started to run crazily, sweeping everything and everyone out of the way, following the love of your life.

"JOHNNY, WAIT! I can't let you go!" You shouted from the distance, running with all your strength.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly as he turned around, and held your hands.

"I haven't told you something yet, I really should have."

"What's that, dear?"

"Maybe not the best timing, but... I- I have feelings for you for so long. I love you, Johnny." As these words left your lips, you felt the heat on your cheeks, and your heart racing wild, which was clearly not just because of the running. He cupped the side of your face, making you look at him. He was quite speechless and in the next moment he leaned in, closing the distance between you. Sparkles of electricity filled the air as his lips touched yours, and suddenly everything ceased around you as the kiss naturally deepend. You threw your arms around him, kissing him back, you two were lost in the passion. He was so perfect, his hands on your back, caressing you slowly. Then when you pulled away you looked deeply into his eyes with all the affection you've ever felt.

"Please don't go." You whispered, a teardrop flowing down your cheek.

"I won't leave you. Wanna come with me?" He asked, hopefully.

"Of course." You smiled, hugging him tightly.

So the plane took off 1 hour later, on which you were there too, next to the person you loved the most in the whole world.

♥️ 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐩 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♥️Where stories live. Discover now