‣ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ 17☁️

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ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ: You're casted in a movie with Johnny Depp.

You woke up excitedly on the most important day of your life you probably ever had. It's been a couple of weeks since you went to a casting for your favorite director's new movie, because you wanted to be an actress. This movie would have meant a lot and they called you a few days ago that you got the role. It wasn't a main role, but you were also perfectly satisfied and happy with it, as it was also a huge thing that you got into the film.
You met your co-stars that morning and you were super excited mainly because of one person... You walked into the studio with positive excitement, and you looked around curiously as you had never been to a place like this before. The director greeted you soon, and introduced you to the other actors. At the end you were only waiting for one more person, who you noticed wasn't there and you were getting quite desperate, but fortunately he walked in a few minutes.

"Hi, sorry I'm late." Said Johnny as he passed through the door, and your eyes met for a few seconds as he got closer. You were already melting, and you get so nervous when he started talking to you.
"Hi sweetheart, what's your name?" He asked on a sweet, soft voice.
"Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, Johnny, I can't wait to work together." You replied, trying to act as calm as you could.
"Me too, it's good to have you here." He smiled, and stroked your arm.
After that the director handed out the scripts, and texts, you've already learnt and you read it first to warm up, then tried to play it. There was another girl, maybe a little older than you, who played the part of Johnny's lover in the film, and you were just an assistant. To be honest, you were beyond jelous when the scenes came that you wouldn't have liked to watch through, even if it was just acting. One time, when he was holding her, facing you, who was standing further away with the staff, once he looked at you, straight into your eyes, with the same glow as he should have for that girl. You blushed, looking at the floor in shyness. Noone ever looked at you like that...
"Johnny, don't look away! Again!" Shouted the director, and they the recording was taken all over again. These were just rehearsal scenes, so there was no problem if not perfect.

Then soon came the parts where you two were in. They weren't too long and there was only average conversation in it, but you enjoyed every minute of it. His acting was so glamorous that you couldn't help but admire how authentic it was. In the meantime, of course, you tried to do your best, hoping you succeed.
Soon after, there was a break in which you talked to some people, and of course Johnny. He looked so desirable in his half unbuttoned black shirt and necklances, you wondered if he knew. Also his tattoos were another thing you couldn't keep your eyes off, and the way he talked to you was the dearest you've ever heard.
"Your skills are very admirable. I loved that scene." He said with honesty in his eyes.
"Thank you, I did too. You're amazingly talented." 
"Aw, you too, I can't wait to see more of your work." He said, and hugged you. 

When the break was over and everyone went back to their place, the director had an announcement to you and Johnny's other co-star.
"Girls, the thing is I decided to change the cast. I rater want you to play the assistant, and Y/N will get the lead role alongside Johnny. Okay? Now let's get to work guys! Try this version!"
"What?!" You both asked in shock with the other girl.
"Excuse me, could I have a minute, please?" You asked, and hurried out of the studio, with a confused mind. YOU? In the main role? With Johnny Depp? How did this happened, why did the director change the roles? Did someone talk to him?

In one hand you were so happy, because it was a big chance, but in addition, you were deeply concerned that the script included a lot of intimate scenes in the movie that would take place between the two of you, and you didn't even know how will you handle the situation when you were completely falling for him anyway.
You were standing outside for minutes, thinking with a knot in your stomach, when you felt a soft touch on your shoudler.
"What's wrong, love? Aren't you happy, you got a main role." Asked a familiar deep voice that instantly brought butterflies to your belly.
"I don't know, I'm nervous! I- I'm not sure I can play her part any better." You told him sadly.
"Oh, but I kow you can, that's why I talked to the director." He said, and you shocked.
"Wha- You talked to the-?"
"Yes. This role can be a big jump for you in your carreer. Not because of me, because of you. Your acting is very great, here's your big chance to show it, you have to play that part!" He encouraged you.
"Thank you, but I'm not prepared enough... I need time to memorize the monologues and get into the character." You expalined, with a lot of things in your mind.
"Of course, you'll have time for that, it's now just a rehearsal. You will get some more time because of this switch."
"Thank you Johnny!" You said, and wrapped your arms around him tightly, and he hugged you back, stroking your back, giving a small kiss on your cheek.

At the end of the practice, you were about to leave, suddenly Johnny walked over to you, and asked,
"Uhm, Y/N! I was wondering if you'd like to come have dinner with me tomorrow?" He asked sweetly, with beautiful sparkles in his eyes.
"Really? Of course, I'd be very happy to." You smiled, and he did too.


A day later after the dinner that was fantastic, you were walking on the street with Johnny, talking about the movie, acting and everything.
"You were really cool, I can't wait to see you in the costumes and all this, you gonna nail it." He told you happily.
"Thank you, but I hope you know you're inimitable." You said, and he smiled shyly. "I'm still scared about a few scenes, I want to be in my best element."
"Do you want to practice together?" He offered, looking into your eyes with affection.
"That would be awesome, it would definitely help a lot, but I don't expect you to deal with me after all, it's my job to prepare." You replied but was very happy he asked.
"No, sweetheart, I'm happy to help." He smiled and took your hand in his. "Would you like to come to my place?" He looked into your eyes, and reached for your hand.
"Sure." You said excitedly, but still being nervous about the scenes you were referring to...

To be continued...

♥️ 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐩 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♥️Where stories live. Discover now