~Authors Note~

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I just want to say thank you for stumbling onto my book! Or maybe it wasn't an accident, but whatever the case, I just want to say that I hope you enjoy it! 

If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, I would be thankful if you pointed them out to me. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

Note: All these characters are my own, and you can't use my characters without asking me first. I'll probably say yes, but I just want to know :)

Also, here is a list of pronunciations, and I'll update this list as needed. 

Glezentine: Gleh-zen-teen 

LAST THING: Here is a link to the Scarlet in Glezentine Wiki Page, and you can look at it, or even help write it if you like! I'll also put the link in the comments so you can click on it. 


Scarlet in GlezentineWhere stories live. Discover now