Chapter 11 - Flares

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It's dark out now, so it's harder to see. Then, for some reason, their cameras start slowly spinning around, probably so we can see in every direction. It makes me a little sick, though. And I'm not even the one spinning!

I keep watching as some other cameras go dark, and a light flares up from the forest.

After a while, I see a camera slowly stop spinning and point in one direction. Suddenly, another person comes out of the trees. James just lets him walk past, without him even knowing James was behind. He could've shot that guy, but he didn't. Why? Why would he let him go? They're rivals competing for the princess, shouldn't they be ruthless?

It goes on for hours. I glance at the timer, and it says 50 minutes left. It didn't feel like it had started that long ago. I look around and see that not many people are still here. It's way after midnight, and I would go home too, except that 1, I'm way too nervous to go to sleep. And 2, where would I go? I don't have a home here and I can't leave this place. Not until I'm allowed. Much like the boys in the forest.

I look up at the screen and see that about half the squares are dark.

I also see Caroline with a clipboard, writing lots of things down.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, trying not to be loud, but since everyone is silent, some people look over in our direction.

"Wow. I've been doing this the whole time, and you only notice now?"

I feel kind of bad, but I still say, "You didn't answer my question."

"Alright. I'm giving out extra scores."

"Extra scores?"

"Yeah. If someone did a nice shot or a bullseye, then I give them extra credit. But only to those who survive the night."

After a few more screens go out, I look at the clock again.


Fifteen minutes. Then it's over.

Fifteen minutes. Then they'll go to the next round, the final round.

Fifteen minutes. Then I'll have to do my competition.

Fifteen minutes. It feels like eternity.

Fifteen minutes. That's all.

Just fifteen.

I'm more and more nervous as the seconds tick by. I keep glancing back and forth between James and Adam's boxes hoping and wishing with all my might that they make it through these last moments.

So close.

I hear the bells ring, telling everyone that the contest is over. Telling everyone to come back. They're safe. It's over.

Suddenly, a flare shoots up from the forest. Then another. And another.

A murmur passes through the crowd like a wave as we all look to the screens overhead, all of which are all dark. I think they turned off once the competition finished. Now, though, it means we have no idea who did it, or even what they did. I do have some guesses though.

Another two flares go up from the forest, causing more chaos to break out.

I don't catch it all, but I hear that 27 people finished when the bell rang, and with 5 people eliminated, only 2 more are officially eliminated. 

Another flare.

1 left.

A horde of boys burst from the canopy, all with terrified looks on their faces. They all try to talk at once.

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