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(third person pov)

*the next day*

jisung woke up to the smell of citrus mint. he slowly opened his eyes, his vision getting accustomed to the rays of sunlight that peeked into his room through the blinds in front of the windows.

he went to stretch, only for his movements to be constricted. he looked down and was met with arms securely around his waist.

very strong and veiny arms at that.

he blushed profusely as he turned his head, seeing a peacefully sleeping chan behind him. 'oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!' jisung was internally screaming, he could not believe he fell asleep in his roommates arms.

his heart was about to fucking beat out of his ribcage, so he tried to calm himself down before moving slowly to escape chan's grip.

he knew he failed when he felt the arms tighten around him, pulling his back against something firm. "where you going beautiful?" chan questioned, his voice raspy and slightly deep since he just woke up. jisung felt his stomach churn and do flips.

his heart began to pick up it's pace, beating impossibly faster.

'calm down heart, why are you beating so fast???' jisung thought to himself. 'it's just because we're so close...yeah that's it. but i've cuddled with felix and hyunjin before, and my heart nev-' "what's going through that pretty mind of yours?" chan asked as he turned jisung around to face him.

he internally cooed at the blushing squirrel, tucking a few hairs behind his ear, only causing him to turn even redder, if that was even a thing. "n-nothing. just my classes for today." jisung said. chan knew he was lying, but he wasn't gonna press jisung any further.

"yeah? and what classes do you have?" chan asked, beginning to caress the younger's face. jisung panicked, quickly getting out of the bed and going to his closet. chan frowned at the action. he was a little hurt by it, but he decided to not let jisung notice.

he let chan kiss his forehead and everything yesterday though. was it maybe in the heat of the moment?

"um...according to my schedule, i have vocal lessons first, then i have dance class, then i have rapping lessons, and my last class is my composing class." jisung said, picking his outfit for the day and then walked into the bathroom, beginning to brush his teeth.

chan only hummed in response, beginning to browse through random social media apps on his phone, while his thoughts consumed his mind. he really was hurt by how quick jisung left his side after he started caressing his face. he didn't want the younger to feel uncomfortable around him, or feel like he couldn't be around him.

his eyes turned back to the younger when he saw him walk to his closet out of the corner of his eye. he watched as the younger began to change, biting his lip softly as he did. the younger was slightly more toned than chan thought he was, his back muscles moving as he put his shirt on.

his petite waist that dipped inwards, going down to his hips, leading to his soft and milky thighs. 'i wanna mark them.' chan thought to himself, his eyes going down once again just to stop on jisung's ass.

it was perfectly shaped. it looked so perfect, so fuckable. god chan's mind was running wild with the things he could do to the boy.

tie him up. maybe cuff his arms behind his back and blindfold him then fuck him. hit him with a whip and m-

"hyung im leaving now." jisung said, bringing chan back to reality. "alright. good luck with your classes." chan said with a smile, causing jisung to return it. once he was out the door, chan hurriedly brushed his teeth and got himself ready before making his way out of the dorm to follow jisung.

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