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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The sun overtook the power of the moon, colouring the dark sky to a golden blue to a sunny blue, the snore of a tired individual rung through the halls. Said individual laid on their side, facing the wall as their back was facing the door. Three diminutive heads peaked through the door, spying on the person that laid comfortable on the bed, that on itself was not allowed in this household.

A raven-haired eyed the figure of a H/C long haired male, watching as nothing seemed to bother the soul of an unfortunate being, a smirk seemed to appear out of nowhere just by his figure alone. "Okay, you guys know the plan, right?" A pink-haired and another raven-haired nodded as the female of the group started to tip-toe first to their victim.

Slowly and quietly did two small figures made their way to him while the other walked normally, ruining the mood the pink and raven-haired female had, but it was whatever. The male with his back facing the door, open their eyes, sensing the disturbance of a dreamless night, the scent of three figures coming close to him very much did not settle well with him. Not at all.

And before he could do anything about that the weight of three young kids settled his mind to override, 'Shit-' E/C widen as his kids forced him awake, even though he was already awake. 'Oh, fucking course- I have fucking kids!... Why do I keep forgetting that?' Glancing half-heartedly did the male glare at his kids, disapproving their actions for his very much needed rest, "May I asketh, oh most wondrous children of mineth, wherefore wilt thee waketh thy fusty sir up at such a dime?"


The confusion was very evident on the kids' faces as the man, himself, chuckled at their confused covered tails, "My dearest apologies, I'm so old I forgot what language I thou speak!" Now that did something, "No! You're not old! I know you have a brain somewhere there!" The heart of the male skipped a beat, the edge of their lips lifted indicating his smile in the withered afterlife.

He shuffled to laid on his back, hands under his head as he gestures to the kids that floated on the air due to his telekinesis, "So, are going to tell me what happened to wake me up at six forty in the morning?" The silence of the children made him open an eye, E/C piercing through the air to the kids that sweat dropped in uniform... School uniform. "About that..." The pink-haired started.

"We missed our bus and... we might need... you... to... take... us there..."

The air was thick, tension thick, the male that had one eye open, opened his other eye staring directly at the boy with pink hair, disbelief covering his glinting eyes. "You're joking right?" The guilty looks of the males and female was enough of an answer for the male to just sigh entirely, eyes rubbing as the time was six forty-four, "I'm not mad... just tired. Did you guys at least eat the food I set up early, you know the noodle soup?"

"What noodle soup?"

'Oh, gosh my habits are being reflected upon these kids...'

Shaking his own head, the male waved his worries away, sitting up and bringing the floating kids towards the kitchen, settling each and every one of them to their respected seats and the stove turned on by turning the knob to a number. "I can't have you skip breakfast; you'll regret that once you were in school."

"No, we would not!"

But then the sound of grumbling stomachs rung through the air and the male, the adult male leaned on the kitchen counter eyeing the blushing kids that dare oppose the idea, "I'll drop you off from school myself, you would've been late either way for how often the school bus came way too early or too late." The sound of cheering kids made the male smile internally whilst he put noodle soups in bowls for his three kids. Yes, his kids.

"BUT! That won't excuse you for having extra training this weekend for rudely waking your old man up."


"Oh, sweetie" the male continued, eyeing his raven-haired female when putting her bowl down, "Everything in life will and will not be fair." The 'hump' afterwards sent a chuckle out, but either way, everyone said their thanks and the family of four ate their breakfast together in a rare calming morning.

•┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈•

"Good luck and tell me whenever that old curse man decides to torment you."

"Aight, dad! Bye-Bye"

"Bye-bye, Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi."


"See ya, old man."

'That fucking kid... I swear-' yet a sigh escaped the male's lips, 'can't be fucking prouder then now I guess.' A fondness truly underwent that thought as the male went and parted ways from the children under his care, thoughts over thoughts of how they came to be made the man reminisce over the youth that were somehow given to him in different daunting hours of the Moon dawn. All bathe in red, all bathe in the colours that he dared called a wonderful masterpiece, 'Gosh I'm truly insane.'

Shaking through those old thoughts, the male reached for a device in the pockets of his pants, his cell phone, flipping it open to see a message from the only contact he had in his phone. Frowning at the sight of the words covering the screen, he brought his hand up to his face, rubbing away the sleep that dare called his name once more. 'I've already had enough sleep, plus I've got to do something around later morning, so not much of a choice now do I?'

Truly whoever the male was never got the sleep he truly wanted; I mean when does life even give the tainted a chance to take a nap? That's just too much to ask. He would know for the silent butterfly in the shade of gold comes over every night wondering why such a beast is out and free while their lives were taken away from the mother of the tarnish roots.

Truly why would life- why would the saints of judgement let a sinner like the wild beast become one with society, nothing that he would do would be the same, nothing can erase the colour red from his mind. However, the eyes of another watched after the boy that walked away, eyeing him as the boy- the man that wore his name with disgrace and shame walked away from the accursed name. The name whom he never repeats more than once... And maybe- maybe that is a good thing.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 


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