It wouldn't last

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They'd gotten through the majority of the week, so close. But it wouldn't last.

"I'm actually really excited about this scary game thingy, I'm exhausted sure but this ought to be fun..." Kaminari yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eye, leaning on Kirishima who ruffled his hair with affection. Hey! Was the sleepy response.

"Yeah - we could scare the hell out of them with your face." Sero tried to use the half baked material for a 'killer joke'. A few huffs were heard from Mina, Bakugo and Kirishima, but Kaminari just frowned as he fought his eyelids to glare at the boy without fully closing them.

"You know you make fun of me all the time! Why don't you make fun of someone else like.. Mina? Why not Mina?" Sero shrugged as if it were out of his hands, and gave a grin as consolation to the boy with a lightning bolt in his hair.

The small group joined the class as they lined up in their assigned pairs to enter the 'creepy forest' with the other class dotted around ready to scare off their socks - they actually said that.

Time skippy———————————————-

As Bakugo and Todoroki made their way through the forest, they felt a little uneasy, not that either would admit it. They'd gotten though a few of the jump scares without problem but nothing was happening at the moment and it had been a little too long.

"Do you think they'll scare us soon?" Todoroki had a monotone expression with the slightest edge that normally would be undetectable, if not for the deafening silence.
Pointless conversation that was.

A mist came, winding in between roots and creeping about the leaves, watching the two boys. It stalked their shadows then their feet, the crunch of footsteps swallowed by the pinkish gas. Swirls and billows turned into writhing ambition to envelope these unknowing little things; malice hidden in the calm. But it stopped as another figure stalked along, hidden among listless tress. Wind whistled across the path, a few dead leaves being raked on dry dirt.

The silence was broken by a twig.

Todoroki flinched, stopping to search the darkness with keen monochrome eyes. He knew he heard that. Bakugo stopped too, looking back at Todoroki unimpressed.
"What are you doing?" Katsuki whispered, not entirely sure why.
"I-I heard something." Todoroki didn't seem so untouched by fear, edging closer towards his partner subtly.
"What a-" another twig; sound shattering through them. A cold clawed hand passed through their guts, stroking their spines with her icy panic. Both stepped away from that dark parting in the trees.

"Flesh..." rasping and quiet, mimicking a cold breeze on an empty street when you're all alone. If you were to listen closely you could hear it; the harsh breath and parched swallow, but the boys only heard gravel crush beneath its feet as it got closer and closer and closer until finally the moonlight jumped from a leather straight jacket with little red balls attached. But the face - oh god the face - with black fabric meeting sickly pail skin as thick staples held it fast piecing the flesh. Shrivelled lips turned into a crooked smile, crooked teeth askew, crooked voice all too happy. "Flesh!" It drew on the word like nails on a chalkboard.

Teeth shot forward, growing this way and that seeking the tasty morsels ahead. Flinching back the boys darted away, peeling aside to avoid the pearlescent enamel. One thin mutated canine grazed  Todoroki, crimson coating retreating rapidly towards the eager tongue  which licked it joyfully. Shoto hadn't felt much pain, the tooth inhumanly sharp, but watching the man infront happily sample his blood ripped every cell in his body to full alert.
"Tasty...More, I want it more!" It didn't shout, but it was enough to haunt them.

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