lunch break'

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THE COLORFUL neon lights that flooded the kitchen area were beginning to make your head spin

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THE COLORFUL neon lights that flooded the kitchen area were beginning to make your head spin. it was yet, another night shift and for some reason tonight had the busiest it's been all week. it was like suddenly everyone had a craving for mcdonald's and came crawling out of pits of their homes, craving the greasy 'delicious' food.

"can i get four piece..." the voices faded out as you typed in countless orders, your polite cashier act slowly deteriorating with your own hunger. see the thing is, you actually had today off but an urgent phone call from kayano made you rush to the store as quickly as possible to lend a helping hand.

since the phone call was so unexpected, you had no time to eat before you came to your shift, leaving you to survive off your earlier meal from lunch. you weren't quite keen on fast food, or more so, mcdonalds. you weren't gonna lie, the food could really hit the spot at sometimes but ninety nine percent of the time, it left you feeling sluggish and sick.

so despite the heavy temptation that weighed in your mind to just give in and eat something before you passed out, you opted to fix yourself a soda instead. the sugar replenished your energy for sure but the crying growls of your stomach didn't stop.

fortunately and unfortunately for you, the sound of a customer coming into the store grabbed your attention. "hey pretty cashier girl." the same charming smile was casted upon his stupidly pretty face and his volleyball jersey clung his sculpted body, "blondie" you replied.

"ready for our date ?" he snickered. god was this man really that much of a fool, you've only known him for about a week and he's already asking for a date from you ? "in your dreams, i don't even know what you're talking about." atsumu only sighed and began speaking again until someone cute him off.

"if your not gonna order i advise you to get out of line." the both of you turned to the chilling authoritative voice out of confusion only to be met with a pregnant women and her small child who had tears streaming down their small little face.

atsumu bowed and apologized, moving aside and continuing your conversation from afar. "c'mon don't you want to get to know me ?" he fake pouted making you snicker at his silly demeanor. "honestly... no, unless there's something on it for me" you winked playfully.

he sighed and shook his head, "thought you weren't a clout chaser ?" he questioned. putting cash in the register and printing the receipt, you continued messing with the blonde. "well i mean, who can help themselves when a famous celebrity wants a date with them ?"

you glanced up to be met with atsumus confused gaze, he almost looked genuinely hurt. "i'm just joking" you whispered getting closer to him from behind the counter, "it wouldn't matter if you were a celebrity or just a co-worker of mine..."

as you trailed off your sentence you leaned over the counter closer to atsmus face, his tan cheeks dusted pink and his honey orbs were fixated on your figure. "the answer would still be no."

pulling back, a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you analyzed the blondes slightly frustrated and embarrassed stance. "you're a pain in the ass" he groaned which furthered your laughter, "thank you."

after your laughter calmed and the tension settled, atsumu tried his chances one more time. "can we at least hangout after your shift ?" he asked. "it's going to be late, i wouldn't want to cause you any trouble" you carried on worriedly.

you had hoped that the blonde would give up and return home with the circumstances, he was a cool guy but you didn't want to jeopardize anything.

"i'm willing to wait, i have no places i need to be anyways." your eyes met with his in a stare down, his eyes practically dripping with persuasion. "you're really persistence huh ?" "only when i want to be" he replied, making you chuckle lightly.

checking the time on the clock on the wall, you contemplated giving into the man in front of you. work, college, stress, it was all pilling up on you and it was becoming suppressed. desperately you wanted a break, needed one as well.

and so, the next sentence that flowed from you lips felt like a sweet release. "i guess i can take a lunch break for you blondie, what do want to eat ?"

hey :)
hope this was was enjoyable, i missed writing
for this book.
luv u all- ash <3

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