its definitely not a date'

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ATSUMU hasn't even known you for a week, yet here he is; accompanying the cute cashier girl during her lunch break

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ATSUMU hasn't even known you for a week, yet here he is; accompanying the cute cashier girl during her lunch break. it wasn't fancy in the slightest, sticky floors, loud noises, and the occasion of customers complaining about their order. if atsumu could describe the atmosphere in one word he would answer with "chaotic."

he almost felt bad for having your first "date," or as you would like to call it "lunch break," at your workplace during the early hours of midnight however, atsumu couldn't shake the feeling that this very moment was apart of some cliche rom-com.

there were no cameras or flashing lights, but the moonlight mixing with the dim fluorescent lights highlighted your features stunningly. although your tiredness was painted across your face atsumu's chest swirled with admiration... until you began talking at least.

"are you always this casual when you pick up girls from fast food chains ?" choking admitted from the athletes throat as you stared plainly into his eyes. the question was actually to fluster the poor man, but the thought crossed your mind a few times. he was labeled as a celebrity after all- surely he chatted to various girls on occasion.

"i guess curiosity really does kill the cat" you trailed off. the blonde who comically was still choking on his drink, stared blankly as words simply wouldn't form in his startled brain. atsumu understood the intention behind the question, and it most certainly paid off in your favor. however, the question was so odd- especially if it's purpose only served as a joke.

"as if i would search for a something romantic at a greasy food joint who's representative is a oversized 'it the clown' wannabe... i prefer scouting my partners at local sushi places," the blonde quipped with a "as a matter of fact," attitude. you smiled sarcastically; "how romantic."

in reality, you were glad atsumu was able to compete with your humorous personality. it was a real reminder that 'celebrities' have an actual personality and weren't so egocentric after all.

atsumu began eating some of his nuggets from his ten piece, a classic and common order of his. "so... your in school right, what's your major ?" the blonde was genuinely curious for a handful of reasons. one because he wanted to know more about the pretty cashier girl who makes him crave mcdonalds more than he actually likes, and two because his athletic career didn't allow him to take a more of an educational route.

"journalism," you replied not giving much of an explanation to your answer. honestly talking about school formed a massive storm cloud over your head. due to the outrageous funds, constant changes with majors, and pressure from family members; school wasn't necessarily a fun thing to talk about.

"you know i actually considered taking journalism in college," you shot atsumu questionable look. even though you highly doubted his statement you knew that the athlete was intelligent- at least in some way. "i'm joking by the way," "that was pretty noticeable."

you giggled and atsumu sighed half heartedly. a quiet silence washed over the table, and you comfortable relished in it. you've never known the male to be so quite, at least for the few days that you have known him. looking up you silently and unconscious glanced at his features.

his eyes glazed like honey. they were full of golden browns and specks of sweetness, they were smooth and easy going. the structure of his jaw was sharp and pointed. his skin was also just as pretty, a few acne scars laid across the milky surface but in your opinion that's was what you admired the most. it reminded you that atsumu was human.

"would i be wrong to say you're checking me out ?" that's when your heart sunk. you've never felt your cheeks heat up so quickly, even the grease in the kitchen didn't heat up this quickly. not wanting to spend anymore time looking dumbfounded you quickly used an escape mechanism to distract atsumu from your embarrassment.

"actually... you have a little something on your face, i was staring because you look like a fool right now." the male snickered, he found your embarrassment cute, so he pushed forward nonetheless. casually leaning forward, he challenged you, "oh really ?"

sometimes you questioned the blondes flirting skills, he was very gullible to say the least. however, you found it charming. while atsumu leaned foward you began planning your attack before he even made a single movement, "yeah you do actually."

swiping your finger against your tray quietly you dipped your finger into some left over ketchup, and when the moment felt right, you swiped some over the tip of atsumus nose.

feeling wet and smelling the scent of tomatoes automatically froze atsumu from towering over the table any more. opening his eyes and glaring at you teasingly, he couldn't help but feel warmth spread across his chest when he saw you burst out into laughter.

he took a moment to mentally capture the moment. you giggled softly, not much noise coming from you because you covered your mouth with your hands. atsumu didn't realize how stupid he look until he snapped back into reality. "oh you've started it now."

picking up a chicken nuggets from his box, atsumu winded his hand backwards and was ready to hurl the poor nuggets directly at you. fortunately for you, and unfortunately for him, your break was over.

as you got up swiftly, gathering the trays in your arms the chicken nugget slithered right past you and slid across the floor, leaving atsumu to stare blankly into space at his failure.

"this was nice, but unfortunately i have to go. my break's over and i really don't want to work overtime." waving with your free hand you took, only for you to turn around, "by the way remember to pick up that chicken nugget. i don't want some sticky kid eating food off the floor then getting sick."

without giving a chance to hear atsumu out you were already back to work in your designated area.

you gave yourself a minute to self reflect on the time you spent with atsumu, and you smiled in retrospect. wether you'd like to admit it atsumu was a fun guy, and you wouldn't mind spending time with him again. the thought of having a companion to assure you during your shifts relieved some of the stress you endured in a day to day basis.

feeling your phone buzz you unlocked your phone to see new messages from atsumu on instagram.


i had fun in our little date ;)
let's do this again, preferably somewhere
that isn't your place of work lmao.

this definitely was not a date
but i'll hold you to that offer, blondie !

notes !
i'm back with cheesy romance.
hopefully you liked this chapter :)
this book definitely reminds me of
a netflix rom-com and i don't hate it
okay ily, see you next time.
ps; sorry for any mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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