- Chapter 24 -

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March 7

A bright light fills the room, I slowly open my eyes. Although my eyes keep falling shut against the bright sunlight coming down on my face, which is penetrating the room via a big open window on my right side. I blink a few times to adjust to the bright light before taking my surroundings in. I look next to me and see an unfamiliar small table standing next to the bed I'm currently laying in. A thick book and a vial containing a certain black potion covering the surface of it. What the? I think, not being able to recognize the nightstand. I then look at the covers I'm currently laying under, which are fully black. That's weird, mine is green... I think to myself but then suddenly realization hits when flashes of last night start creeping back into my mind. I quickly look under the covers, thankfully I'm still wearing clothes. My outfit from last night is nowhere to be seen though, instead, I'm wearing a big oversized black t-shirt.

I bring myself to sit upright and take in my surroundings. The bed is standing in a small circular room which is connected to a bigger room. A closet is standing to my right side, right beside the window. In what I assume is the main room I see a fire roaring in a fireplace at the far right of the room, a big black couch is placed in front of it with two matching armchairs standing beside it. In between two doors, doors that must lead to the bathroom and to the corridor, is standing a big wooden bookcase which is filled with books and clutter.

On the other side of the small room some cabinets, countertops, an oven, and a fridge make up the kitchen which is covering the full left wall. All sorts of shelves fill up the walls next to the kitchen, ingredients in bottles are scattered all over the shelves. A small table with two chairs is located in front of the kitchen, with just enough space left to walk between the two. I now notice a figure sitting in one of the chairs, his back to me. Severus.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. I'm in Severus Snape's sleeping quarters? What in god's name am I doing here. Oh right... I was drunk. But still, he could've just brought me to the infirmary, which wouldn't have been very beneficial for me but still. He could've also just brought me to my dorm, I know that teachers can access both dorms whether male or female. Maybe he didn't want to wake up my roommates, or maybe he just wanted an excuse?

My mind is going all over the place when I suddenly get pulled back to my current reality. Which is in Severus' sleeping quarters... I'm dreaming, I must be.

"Good, you're awake," He has now moved from the table to the kitchen, he appears to be cooking something which smells delicious might I add.

I blink a few times again to make sure that I'm actually here, and not still sleeping. But when my view doesn't change I accept that it must really be and I make my legs move towards the side of the bed. I appear to have slept on the right side of the bed, the left side appears to be unslept in. I wonder where he has slept..?

I shake the thought away before climbing out of the bed and heading toward the kitchen, thankfully the t-shirt I'm wearing covers everything and is nearly hanging on my knees. I did not think Severus was the person to have t-shirts. How peculiar.

I take a seat while watching Severus cook intently. His moves are so natural, I could watch him do this all day if I had the option. It's kind of sexy seeing him do this muggle stuff. I get pulled back to reality when Severus suddenly turns around and places a plate in front of me, which is covered in bacon and eggs, before taking the seat in front of me. His expression looks quite serious, the usual coldness that covers his face is gone.

"We need to talk,"


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