Cap. III

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After classes were over Ritsu went to the school garage and started cleaning the place.

"Oi Ritsu, what are you doing here weren't we supposed to clean this place tomorrow?"

"Yes but I'm getting rid of any possibilities of danger for the class, you know"

"Man, let me help you. May I? "
'If his this careful to not hurt his classmates I understand why they were so worried about him in class today. Adorable.'

"You don't have to it's alright. Don't mind with such thi-"

"I will help you, neither you want me to or not. It was stupid from me to think about asking you. I was pretty sure you would reject me.Not only with this" he whispered the last sentence.

"Shou it's fine real-"

"Nah Ritsu. I won't let you overdo anything anymore. Don't get any kind of ideas. Ya' can't fool me Ritsu, I know you somehow better than you think."

"That's so silly, I'm not overdoing anything."

"Then why are you up every night at 2 am."

"Dude are you a stalker or anything?..."

"Nah, it just happens to see light from your window while I'm walking around the streets."

"Jeez... Do whatever you want."
'Why are you walking around the streets at 2 am? Even for you it can be dangerous.. '


Now they were both clearing and in that time they talked about different things

"And then the princess stabbed him in the back!"

"I'm pretty sure that's not how the story goes."

"It's boring the other way. It's always the same. Can't the princess just get some powers and fight the bad on her own. Does she really needs a gentleman on a horse?"

"That type of scenario is used to make the story more dramatic and stuff ."

"Pretty disappointing, the plot is the same every time ."

"I guess."


"I wonder how deep the ocean is."

"About 12,100 feet, I'm not sure though."

"Man that's pretty much."

"It is."

"Senpai.I have been wondering about what's bothering you."
Ritsu is a pretty good actor.

"Is it in the script?"

"Yeah page three the fourth paragraph"

"I SEE I SEE I- HaHa-"


"GhAhA- nothing Ritsu, everything's fine."

"Why are you being weird?..."

"No, I'm not believe me RITSU I SWEAR!"

"Whatever idiot."

"Can fish drown?"

"I hope you heard yourself asking such a stupid thing."

"I did but still... Fish can't drown, can they?"

"Shou you're far the stupidest person I have ever met."

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