A r m

12 0 0

Everyone: *doing tricks on the trampoline*
Mason: *falls out the trampoline*
Lucas: * gets out of the trampoline* Babe are you okay?!
Jace:You ok Mason?!
Mason: I think so my arm hurts tho
Leo:Okay just in case let's get him to a doctor
Allison:K I'll drive me Mason and Lucas there
*Allison,Mason and Lucas leave*
Jace: He'll be okay babe he probably just sprained his arm
Leo:Yeah you're right..
*6 hours later they come back home*
Allison: Were home!
Leo: Hey! Is Mason ok?
Allison: uh about that-
Leo: ?
Jace: what happened?
Mason: *walks up* My arm is broken😐
Leo: "hE pRobAbLy JuSt SpRaInEd hIs aRm!"
Jace: Hey! I was just being positive!

A bunch of random shit that happens in my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now