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To those of you in the last chapter that said M/n ripping Bad's throat out was hot...

I see you.


/M/n's POV/

I sighed as I laid in my bed. God, why did I do that?

Thinking back, there were so many other things I could have done to escape that situation. The power I used has major backlash, it knocks you out cold for a few days.

You just had to go with the violent option, didn't you? I thought to myself, burying my face into my hands. I hissed in pain as I felt the arrow move in my arm.

That's it, I'm getting it out now.

Putting my hand over the annoying projectile, I gritted my teeth.

This is a stupid idea.

Placing my fingers near the entrance wound, I grabbed the shaft and pulled. I let out a guttural growl as it came out halfway, but it was still partially stuck. Luckily, whoever shot me had decided to not use a barbed arrowhead, or else I would have never gotten it out.

Tugging again, I hissed as the arrow came all the way out. Wiping my silver blood off the arrow tip with my sleeve, I inspected it.

"Shit," I muttered, staring at the green tinge of the arrowhead. Poisoned. Of course, it was. Ripping apart parts of my suit, I tied it around the wound, pulling it tight. It stung, but it was better than nothing.

Pushing against the door of my cell, it swung open. Walking down the hallway, I twisted and turned, corner after corner. My left hand traced the walls, occasionally drifting over the vines. The flash of silver on my finger caught my attention, and I smiled.

My wedding ring.

Taking the ring inbetween two of my fingers, I fiddled with it. Even after all that, it stayed on. I wonder if Ghostbur was still wearing his...

Shaking my head, I continued onwards. I came to a small door and cracked it open. This one was... different, to say the least. The entire room was covered in a mix of End stone and obsidian. I watched a living vine tried to sneak it's way into the room, but was crushed by the room shifting.

Ok... so the room was definitely alive.

I need you again.

An Enderman appeared at my side in almost an instant. I gestured at the walls around me, and it tilted it's head curiously. "Do you know what this place it?" I asked it, and the Enderman placed a large hand on the wall.

".dnE eht morf kael a si sihT" The Enderman said. "A leak?" I said, "I didn't know there were leaks. Is it dangerous?"

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