Part 5

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(Sorry for the long wait my fellow readers. Hope y'all have been patient while i think with my little brain on what to place next on my story. Hope everyone enjoys this very nice story.)

|TW: language and abuse|

[Chaeyoung: Are you single?]

[Mina: What kind of question is that???]

[Chaeyoung: Just answer my question.]

[Mina: FINE! Yes, I'm single. Why?]

[Chaeyoung: So that I don't have to deal with a guy that will think the wrong way of us as friends.]

[Mina: oh ok. Anyways, bye]

[Chaeyoung: Bye]

*Mina leaves*

~Chaeyoung's POV

Ugh~        That was so embarrassing. I sounded like a weirdo, although my plan didn't go as expected. I hope I didn't sound suspicious about what I said. I should head home now, it's getting late.

• The Next day •

~No one's POV

It's Saturday, meaning Mina is going to have to stay home for most of the day because of her mom and Lia. Mina be like: (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) While others be like: ( /^ω^)/♪♪ Anyways, today is different day. That means that today, Mina is going to have a different schedule than what she usually has.

[Mom: Mina, Today you can do whatever you want while me and your sister go shopping.]

[Lia: Yeah, what mom said.]

[Mina: Ok ma'am.]

[Mom: Also, make sure that Lia's room is clean.]

[Mina: yes ma'am]

~Mina's POV

Welp, another sad day but with more freedom. I should meet up with Sana later after I'm done with cleaning Lia's room.

*Phone starts ringing*

°On the phone call°

{Mina: Hello?}
{???: Mina? Is that you?}
{Mina: Umm, who are you?}
{???: You seriously don't remember my voice?}
{Mina: First off, I don't know who you are and what you want. Second, how do you know my name?}
{???: It's me Chaeyoung. Your friend Sana told me to call you, that's how I got your number. She told me to tell you if we could hangout cause her phone died and we're already at the hangout place where she wants us to hangout.}
{Mina: oh, my bad. Okay I'm on my way. Send me the address.}
{Chaeyoung: okay}

°Call ended°

Looks like Lia's room is going to have to wait. Time to hang out with Sana and C-chaeyoung. Wait, why do I feel so nervous to say his name. Ugh 😩.

~No one's POV

Mina gets to the hangout place and has a good time with Chaeyoung and Sana. Everything goes well, they have fun at random parks, have a delicious lunch, and go shopping for a bit. It is now the end of the day (time goes by fast) and Mina is on her way home. (Mina didn't buy anything when they went shopping, just saying). Once Mina walks in the house, she See's her mom standing in the living room waiting for Mina to come home. Mina then realizes that she forgot to clean Lia's room.

[Mina: M-mom, I thought you were going to come b-back around 11 pm.]

[Mom: Who The F^ck Gave You Permission To Call Me Mom. AND WHY THE F^CK IS LIA'S ROOM STILL NOT CLEANED!?! ]

[Mina: I-im sorry, it won't happen again.]


*Mom grabs a long but strong stick*

[Mina: w-Wait, Mom....NO PLEASE!*Kneels in front of Mom, trying to stop her*]

[Mom: I no longer have patience for a b^tch like you.]

*Mom kicks Mina off her, and repeatedly starts to hit her*

After all that, Mina is badly bruised and it's painful for her just to walk. She tries to use all her force to walk back to her room and call Sana. When she tries to call Sana, she didn't respond. Mina then decides to call chaeyoung.

°On call°
{Mina: C-chaeyoung?}
{Chaeyoung: Mina? Are you okay? You sound hurt.}
{Mina: C-can we meet up o-once my mom is asleep in the m-middle of the night.}
{Chaeyoung: Yeah sure}
{Mina: Thank you Chaeyoung}
{Chaeyoung: Yeah no problem}
{Mina: m-meet me at the park}
{Chaeyoung: understood}

°Call ended°

~Chaeyoung's POV

After we all went home, I felt like something bad was going to happen. Once I came home and changed it my pajamas, I heard my phone ring. Turns out it was Mina. Once I heard Mina's voice, I knew something happened at home. Now I have to wait till we meet up. It's 10:30 pm and I'll probably have to wait till it's 1 or 12 in the morning.

*Time went by really fast for some reason, Chaeyoung and Mina are at the park*

[Chaeyoung: Okay I'm here now, what's wrong?]

[Mina: I-I forgot to clean my sister's room and my mom abused me because of that.]

[Chaeyoung: Wait, Really?! Are you going to be okay? If you want, Y-you can sleep at my house?]

🐸The end of Part 5


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