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Dream's eyes fluttered open, first thing was he found himself laying on a bed. Dream slowly sat up, a soft yawn came out the boy's mouth. The blonde started to look around the room, he must've been in a cottage cabin that Celestia had around her place.

Dream looked over to George who was laying down on the next bad beside him, sleeping. The rest of the others were here too, sleeping on the other beds in the room; Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity.

Dream slowly started to get off the bed, his feet touched the floor. He started to walk over to the backpack that was laid on the floor, he sat down beside it and pulled out the 1st book, he opened it and started to flip through the pages, he was quite bored... what else could he do?

"Mmm.." George quietly hummed out from his sleep, his body moved on the bed, shifting in another position, his body faced towards Dream. George's eyes slowly widened, he looked over to Dream who was on the floor, going though the book again. George yawned and sat up, he just stared at the blonde. "Dream.." George mumbled with a tired tone.

Dream turned around, looking at George who was now awake. "Hi, have a good sleep?" Dream whispered with a smile.

George nodded his head slowly, closing his eyes again. Dream giggled slightly, making sure he didn't wake the others up. Dream looked back at the book, flipping another page, he sighed and started to stand up again.

"I am going to go look for Celestia, find out what are quest is. Okay?" Dream looked over to George once again, staring at the brunette who was still on the bed.

"Be safe.." George muttered out, turning his body over to a different position again. "Take your bow and be quick."

Dream smiled and looked over to his bow that was also laying on the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up. The blonde started to walk back over to the door, he twisted the doorknob slowly and opened the door without making a peep. Dream walked out the cabin and closed the door quietly. Dream started to walk over to where the library was, maybe he'd find the witch there.

"Good morning Dream!" Leila flew over with a smile, now she was bright and up early.

"Oh hello, Leila." Dream stopped with a little wave at the fairy which was now flying in front of him.

"Uhm.. did you see Celestia by any chance? I couldn't find her." Leila sighed, slowly flying down.

"Nope, I was just going to go look for her. Wanna come?" Dream smiled, placing a hand out which Leila landed on.

"Okay." Leila giggled and stood on Dream's hand.

Dream placed his hand on his shoulder which Leila hopped on and sat down. Dream started to walk again, making his way over to the library.

Dream approached the door of the place and grabbed the knob of the door, twisting it. The door slowly creaked open, the blonde stepped into the room and looked around... Celestia hasn't seemed to be here.

Dream sighed and looked over to the table, there was a piece of paper laid there, and the crystal necklace. Dream walked over to it, he looked down at the paper and picked it up, there was writing on it.

Hello Dream,

You must be looking for me now but I have to go away for something, I hope you finish your quest... it might be hard but as I told you everything has a good ending.

Take the crystal necklace and wear it, it's protection and for your safety... no harm or bad things causes on you when you wear it. It's a really special necklace and will keep you safe at all costs.
It's also a key for the 3rd book... open it and it shall give you your last quest.

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