Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*AUTHORS NOTE! ~Okay so if you are reading this please, PLEASE, please, PLEASE, comment or vote or...something! At least comment and tell me if you like it! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! Okay, anyway enjoy the story:)*

“What in the world happened to you?” Caiden’s excessively protective mother screamed as soon as we followed him into his house. We decided to go to his house because, of all people, Mrs. Wolfe would be the one to keep a secret. Not like we were going to actually tell her the truth though. We decided to keep this little incident to ourselves, even though it could have gotten us killed, and decided to make up a little fib to cover it up. So the new story is, Caiden and Jay found us at the park and while we were playfully, yet mischievously running away from them Caiden tripped over a tree stump and fell in one of the thorn bushes and got cut pretty bad. Pathetic I know, but it is almost exactly what really happened. We just deleted the creepy man showing up out of nowhere part.

“I just told you. Should I slow down for you?” Caiden asked holding his mother’s arm as her eyes seemed to widen at every cut she sees. She was holding onto his arm very tightly while examining the cut and shutting her eyes at the sight of blood trickling down his arm. I hurried over to Mrs. Wolfe and grabbed her arm to put it near her side. She looked up at me surprised.

“Maybe we should bandage him up before infection begins, shall we?” I insisted leading Caiden to his dining room table and seating him in one of the wooden chairs. Mrs. Wolfe nodded and left through the kitchen to a pantry in which I’m sure the medical and first aid kits were placed. As we waited for her return Jay and Chastity shyly sat across the table from us. Caiden’s house was not extremely large, but not extremely small either. It was perfect for just a three person family. Their dining room differed from the rest of the house though with its elegant carpet and fancy vase in the center with several portraits of strangers from the 1800’s that I don’t know nor recognize, old family members maybe. The rest of his house was rather simple with the feel of a southern drawl to the atmosphere. Nothing special, which I liked. I stared at the flowers peeking from out of the vase in the center of the table. Beautiful white Daisies were perked high towards the ceiling, a type of flower that my mother loved almost as much as roses.

“Okay, so please explain to me how you managed to do this to yourself Caiden. You must have tried to struggle out of the bush if the thorns were able to cut you this bad,” Mrs. Wolfe said pacing to the table with a wide red box in hand. She slammed the box onto the table and popped it open to reveal band aids, white bandage wrap, peroxide, you name it. She could have been a paramedic with all of the supplies she had.

“Yeah, but I didn’t mean to hurt myself this bad. I was in a hurry and didn’t actually notice that they were thorns instead of just leaves,” Caiden replied drumming his fingers against the table. He was nervous, I could tell. When I suggested that we lie, Caiden’s face changed to a sudden look of horror. He had never lied to his mother before so doing it now seemed like a burden for him. I pressed my hand down on his to stop his nervous drumming. He glanced at me and then nodded in understanding. While Mrs. Wolfe cleaned off the blood of Caiden’s arm I lifted my hand and wrapped it around one of the healthy Daises that was just taunting me to pick it. I slowly pulled it out of the vase and put it up to my nose. It smelt of fresh water, familiar and pleasant.

“You like Daisies, huh?” Mrs. Wolfe asked me. I jumped and began to quickly put the flower back in the vase when Mrs. Wolfe put her hand up as if to pause my action. “Keep it. I have plenty of them anyway.” Her smile was genuine and welcoming. I nodded in thanks and then stood up.

“Well, I must be going. Aunt Eclaire is probably worried sick about me. Thank you for letting us in your home Mrs. Wolfe,” I said politely with a smile. Jay and Chastity stood up beside me with friendly smiles as well.

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