Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“So, you are saying that someone is after you?” Aunt Eclaire asked with her hands by her side but swinging her hip out to the right, which is a sign that she is still pissed. After I told Mamaw Ruby about everything that has happened, she told Eclaire. Eclaire is still angry, which I don’t really care about, but what makes me mad is that she seems to not believe me. When she was listening to Ruby talk about all that I had told her, she just kept looking around the room and sighing as if she hardly cared. I don’t know if it’s because she is still mad at me, or just really doesn’t care.

“Yes, I have already explained to you that this guy has been stalking Chastity and I…or maybe just me,” I explained unsure of my own words. This just all sounds to absurd to even be real. I mean, in what real world do you actually get stalked by whatever that guy is? Well, I guess the world I live isn’t even actually real, and I am not even a real person.

“Eclaire, please listen to the child. If something is really wrong then we need to help her. She could have been killed not just once but twice,” Mamaw Ruby jumped also trying to knock some since into Eclaire. I know Eclaire is my aunt and all, but she is really starting to piss me off with this non-caring attitude.

“Alright, alright. I know we should do something but I honestly don’t know what to do.” Aunt Eclaire sat down in a chair next to me with a sigh. She rubbed her hands over her face and then looked up at me with curiosity in her eyes. “What did this man look like?” I thought for a moment.

“He uh, had dirty blonde hair and these crazy, bright green eyes. Very unnaturally bright.”

“And do you know what he is?” Aunt Eclaire spit out of the word ‘what’ as if it were a curse word. Here we go again with that feeling like she’s calling him some kind of ‘it’ or an ‘alien’.

“Well, he had fangs so I would think that he was a vampire, but then he…transformed.”

Aunt Eclaire’s eyes suddenly grew twice their normal size and she shook her head as if to get rid of some thought. She sighed again and then got out of the chair and began to walk up stairs. I practically jumped out of the seat to protest of her leaving but before I could say anything, she turned to look over her shoulder at me.

“Stay home for a couple of days. I won’t let this man take you.” And then she was gone upstairs and into her bedroom. I stood there for a moment, half shocked, half angered. Her voice and her eyes were so emotionless when she spoke those words. I didn’t know if that was her way of promising that something will never happen, or if she just truly didn’t care and wanted to leave out of boredom. If you really wanted to stop something from happening, then shouldn’t you make some kind of plan or something? Eclaire is my guardian now; she can’t just walk away from something as serious and as dangerous as this. I could be dead tomorrow and she wouldn’t even notice!

I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard Mamaw’s soothing voice. “She’s just confused, angry, and shocked, that’s all. Don’t worry about her. I want you to go get some rest for now though, you look like you could use some sleep.” I nodded without looking at her and then went upstairs. I took a quick, warm shower and got in my PJs even though it was only 6:30. Before I got in bed I stared at myself in my mirror and observed the bruise on my right cheek. Chastity was right, it did look bad. The bruise was turning a blackish, purple color and sure wasn’t going to look good when I got to school. But Eclaire told me to stay home for a couple of days, so maybe by the time I actually go to school the bruise would have faded some. I bet if I go to school now with a big black bruise on my cheek, somebody is going to think that Eclaire has been beating me, and if it weren’t for Mamaw Ruby, she probably would have.

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