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WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SOMEONE DIES? in most cases, people mourn, you get closure, life goes on. but in the case of hillsdale massachusetts, the death of their golden girl tore their town apart.

when adaline walker is found dead in her pool, people called it a suicide. all golden girls have secrets they said. however, when the autopsy comes back the results are there. murder.

now, 12 of adaline's classmates are at the center of the investigation and no one knows why. why would the police try to charge a couple of teenagers?

but when secrets get exposed and the mask that guarded the town's secrets is torn apart the investigation goes to shit and the lives and secrets of the 12 suspects are exposed.

i suppose this is what happens when there's a dead girl in the pool.


YOU HAVE TO BE FOLLOWING ME! Don't just follow to apply then unfollow.

BE AN ACTIVE READER! Vote, comment! Don't be a ghost reader. Authors put a lot of time and effort into their stories so show at least a little support by voting and commenting

YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO DO CHARACTER THOUGHTS! If you don't do that, I can't start the story so don't apply if you know you aren't going to do that. Character thoughts are also the place to define what type of relationships you want with other characters, whether they're your enemy or love interest or friend!

PASSWORD! The password is what your favorite song at the moment. If there isn't a password I can't and won't accept the form!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE DIVERSE! Have diverse face claims and personalities! I want both male and female characters. And please be diverse with sexualities as well! Lastly, don't make every character a rebel or popular kid. There's many different cliques you can be apart of and if you character vibes with everyone just put 'n/a.'

HAVE A GOOD AMOUNT OF GIFS! I like to use gifs at the beginning of every chapter so please make sure that your face claim has a decent amount of gifs.

DEADLINE! Deadline is May 5th! If I still need characters by then I'll extend it. Also, if I get enough applications before then I'll close it early. I'm only accepting 5-6 characters so yeah :)



full name;


face claim (please use actors or actresses! If you want to use the young!actor just put young in front of the actor);


age (16-18);

gender + pronouns;


Stereotype (jock, rebel, theatre kid, nerd, popular, etc.);

Personality (please be detailed! 3-5 sentences are good);

backstory (where did they come from? what made them who they are? 2-4 sentences but you can put more if you want!);

3-5 secrets;

reaction to the murder;



love interest (just yes or no!);


theme song;

quotes (minimum 3);

extra (you can add anything here! you can add ideas for the book or things you remember from there is you want. this section is optional);

tags (minimum 3);




LIZBOOS -cosmiicfairy hmugogy spazwayschnapps -logansbitch Avengers14 -AMELIEZILBER- hxgreeves-luvbot -astrogrande -marvheled


i'm really excited for this one, thank you so so much @-cosmiicfairy for the amazing plot

dead girl in the pool | apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now