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"we should go see that new horror movie tonight

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"we should go see that new horror movie tonight."

adaline rolled her eyes at desmond ross' statement, swatting his head as he sat down at their normal lunch table.

"ow, what was that for?" des demanded, rubbing the spot where adaline had hit him and picking up the apple that had rolled off his plate. "you know i have track today, you can't just go around hitting me."

lizzy rolled her eyes, "you don't need your head to run you dumbass. and about your horror movie, you know you're the only weirdo who likes horror here." she made a face at her school lunch before pushing it out in front of her.

"besides," aria gray interrupted as she sat down across from des, giving him a small smile. "adaline has her party tonight."

des returned her smile, bringing aria's hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it. she laughs slightly before flipping his hand over and doing the same gesture to des. lizzy gags at the gesture dramatically, causing aria to playfully stick her tongue out at lizzy while des pokes lizzy's sides. the pair have been dating since sophomore year, when des, in true desmond ross fashion, asked her out in the pouring rain during the middle of a track meet. he was on varsity track team by then and forced all of his teammates to take part in "the great asking out of the amazing aria gray" (his name for the plan, it was literally written at the top every planning email) by forcing them to learn and perform a choreographed dance to sucker by the jonas brothers. it was definitely over the top but it was entertaining to watch all the lanky track people awkwardly dance.

"you two make me want to cringe and squeal at the same time," adaline stated. lizzy laughed loudly at adaline's joke, earning a grateful look from the blond girl. aria and des rolled their eyes but released each other's hands before turning their full attention back to addy.

"anyway, even if i didn't have my party tonight, you know i hate horror movies des." adaline stated, shuddering at the thought of the last horror movie des had convinced them to watch. "it creeps me out."

sunny suhye bae let out a giggle, covering his mouth with his free hand as he placed his plate down next to adaline's. "well honestly addy, there isn't a lot that doesn't creep you out."

adaline stared back, wide eyed and lips forming a pout. "that isn't true! there's a lot of things i'm not afraid of."

aria, sunny, and des shared a look before laughing uncontrollably. "addy, honey," aria started, reaching over to pat the blond girl on her arm. "there are many, many things we can name that you're afraid of."

"oh yeah?" adaline challenged, narrowing her eyes. "list them then."

"spiders, heights," lizzy listed, ticking them off on her fingers.

"mickey mouse and the entire clubhouse," sunny said with an attempt at a smirk, but failing miserably.

"hockey, the beach," aria continued, a small smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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