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MURDERS WEREN'T COMMON. well wait; let's rephrase that. murders weren't common in their town.

like many other small towns across the u.s, the town of hillsdale, massachusetts was a tight one. there wasn't one person living there that you didn't know and the small shops dotting main street had been there since before anyone could remember. there wasn't a place you could go where you weren't recognized, which was either great or deadly.

but then, like everything in life, something went wrong.

on the night of october 12th, adaline marie walkers was found dead in her pool. face down, dress floating around her, her blond hair forming a halo around her in a way that was either sick or ironic.

the police called it a suicide. all the evidence was there, they said. her lying face down was a sign she had drowned herself and the way nothing was taken suggested no one had done it to break in. besides, who would dare cross paths with the golden girl? definitely not anyone who knew anything about their town.

but when the autopsy report came back, the results were clear as day. murder.

this quickly spread, it's meaning tearing apart the small town. neighbors began to suspect neighbors. life long friends started to be wary of one another. no one trusted anyone. and in the wake of it all? the suspects.

twelve teenagers, all students at the local highschool. each known for a reason, whether it be their background or their label or both. they all were connected to adaline in different ways. ex's, best friends, enemies. they were all related to the dead girl in some way.

the word of the muder spread further, as did the news of the suspects. the news tore it's way through town, tearing up the careful and delicate mask that had been placed there. it left no mercy, destroying relationships and families, exposing long hidden and kept secrets, tearing at the mask until there was nothing left of what the town used to be except; THE DEAD GIRL IN THE POOL.

thank you everyone so much for being patient with me! first chapter will be put tomorrow or wednesday <3

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