Again My Love

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Malori slowely tiptoes up the stairs.Her presents upon the Demon Queen was unknown,for now.

"I swear there here some were," Malori wisperd inside her clutterd head,she thought some adventurers were walking upon the floor above her which was the floor below the Queen of all Demons;she shrugged it off saying "I guess it was nothing"

She held on to the walls has she went up on the last floor,just in case they were still there.She once again shrugged it off and opened the door to her beloved Queen,only to find out her senses were right.


It seems the 'Sacred Wings' were at it again,there leader so brave but a mythic bitch.None of warriers noticed the 'little one' in the room,it seems the queen hasint either,


Malori was wearing a purple and dark,dark black.Her gloves were has silky as the queens....lang---nvm

Like this,be right back with another chapter,dads right next to me wachting o.c lol

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