The First Massacre

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The bright sun beat down on the shoulders of an agitated seventeen year old as he ranted to his much older partners in crime, "T-This sucks!" he ticked to which the other paid no mind to, "Toby,  it's only a little further." A much taller and masked man in a dirtied yellow jacket said in a rather impatient tone.

The man beside him who shadowed himself with his hood only chuckled, "Tim you've been rather impatient as well, Toby's just glad we actually get to sleep somewhere that isn't outside." Tim scoffed at the betrayal of the man calling his impatience out.

"We're gonna actually have clean w-water right hoods?" Toby spurted, he seemed to relax a lot more with now known knowledge of their arrival soon, he nodded "Yes, I'm not sure how he managed to do it but I wouldn't doubt it has to do with that thing he does when you can't sleep at night."

Tim sighed, "I'm glad we're finally getting a place to stay even if it's with that bozo Jeff, I'm happy as long as Toby can actually get a real bed. he's just a kid you know Brian?" the hooded man nodded, they talked as if Toby hadn't been sluggishly following behind, "Hey! I'm not a kid." he grunted to which Tim only huffed in amusement before walking faster leaving Brian and Toby a few feet behind


Jeff stood in a rather straight stance trying to tower over the already short Ben, the small man who took appearance of a popular game character puffed out his chest in annoyance, "God when are we actually allowed in?" Jeff said with a raspy voice as he was earlier at a screaming match with his own brother over who would betray who during there current truce.

A small girl in a pink dress walked towards Jeff to which he only gave her a glace while Ben waved "Father said when his good friends arrive! So just wait a little longer dumb, dumb!" 

Jeff snorted, it was amusing when Sally insulted people in such a childish manner, really showing how much of a meanie she could actually be "My feelings are so hurt." Jeff coughed out to which Ben spurting out an amalgamation of heavy laughs and wheeze's, definitely no sound a normal person could make.

"And Ben please don't be mean to EJ! He's really nice and your just a butt to him." To a degree Sally seemed serious, Jeff's eyes widened only know hitting the realization that he would be stuck in a house with not only his rival Jane, fangirl Nina and very aggressive brother Liu but now with his greatest foe, Jack. 

Ben smiled "It's been so long since I seen that guy! Wonder what he's been up to."

before Jeff could reply a voice cut him off "Hey guys!" turning towards the voice he could see Brian, Tim and Toby approaching.

Jeff brightened up a little before welcoming Toby with a hug "Hey Ticci!" There was a genuine moment where Toby accepted the gesture before rightfully kneeing the pale skinned man in the stomach, "What did I tell you about calling me that." 

Jeff chuckled clutching his abdomen in pain "You're so fucking lucky you don't feel pain cause I would've fucked you up for kickin' me like that." 

Tim ignored the feud approaching the crowd of odd individuals while Brian stayed behind, "There goes Masky.. You gonna be good if I leave you with Jeff?" Brian said, Toby nodded to which Jeff leaned on Toby's shoulder "Yeah, yeah Hoodie, go off and find your weird depressed boyfriend Toby can take care of himself."

Brian being obviously agitated by Jeff's sheer balls to say that shit just left without a word, maybe he was just impressed.

"So is that us ready to head inside my man?" Toby shrugged "W-We need to t-take, take attendance." Jeff nodded "Right." he dragged on, looked around rather eagerly.

"Something up J-Jeff?" said the other, "Seen that eyeless dude?" Toby shook his had "We just got here." he said sort of out of nowhere biting the tips of his gloves, Jeff noticing gave the other a stern look to which he lowered his hand "If you keep doin' that those scars ain't gonna heal, get that stupid tall guy to help you forget to Jesus." Toby only groaned before heading to the meeting area in front of the building with Jeff for a role call.

Jeff split from Toby and left to the crowd will the Proxy stood with his partners, Names where called and of course some where no-shows, Eyeless the one that Jeff actually in some way was excited to meet being among the very few, Ben pat his back sort of calmed down from his laughing fit earlier "Awe, you sad your friend isn't here?" Jeff only shrugged in an uncaring manner despite being all so desperately rattled and annoyed by this outcome.

But all said in done is set in stone as the man of the hour arrived, "Dad!" sally called playfully dancing around The Slenderman's legs, "Hello Sally." he greeted in a rather warm tone before turning to the group "We can head inside now."

Most rushed to get inside as the beating sun was getting rather unpleasant on some of their pale skins, besides them the Proxies decided to stay out a little longer as well as Jeff.

"You coming?" Ben called, Jeff waved a hand in the air "I'll catch ya' inside I'm gonna wait for this masked freak." Ben nodded waving back before leaving into the chilly household.

"What took you so long..?" Toby mumbled leaning against Slender's leg, "Don't pry on it Toby, I wont leave for that long next time alright?" Toby nodded, Brian held his hand out to Toby who took it in response "Let's go check your new room out and leave Tim and Slender to talk alright?" Toby nodded "You coming to see as well Sally?"

Slender slowly and gently pushed Sally forward "I'll come play later I need to have a talk with Masky go with Toby and Hoodie alright?" Sally nodded taking Toby's hand as they walked past Jeff and inside.

"Jeff? What are you doing still out here." Slender announced only now noticing Jeff's looming presence "Don't mind me just waiting for a friend to arrive."

Slender looked around "Eyeless?" Jeff shoved his hands into his pockets, "Yeah."

The tall cryptic only sighed needing the down time alone to talk to his Proxy "Go inside, I'll personally tell you on his arrival." Jeff nodded rather hesitantly "One second late and I'm following in Toby's footsteps and burning this bitch to the ground."

Tim only shook his head unamused as Jeff left through the now closed door.

"God forbid taking care of these kids, Toby's already enough. Are you sure this will actually help?"

the taller nodded "The better we can work together the easier it is to manage you all, when I'm not around Tim your in charge and you certainly can't control them all in this state.

Let them get to know each other, I can always fix it if something even remotely goes wrong." Masky only nodded.

"Fine." The tone Tim uses towards Slender is that of annoyance something no one in the right mind would do, but when you are second in charge when a twelve foot tall cryptic leaves for awhile and your the most considered human maybe it is the correct tone to use.


I do plan on writing more of this yes, but as of currently it's like almost 1 am and my origins are running on five cans of monster punch.

Shipping wise;

Please, Do not ship Toby with Masky or Hoodie, I have already said how there is a clear age difference that is very, very disturbing even if it is five or maybe seven years apart, this also goes with Sally a literal child a product of horrible proportions to do with adults in her life, lastly do not ship Jeff with Liu (Pretty sure I don't need to cover why this is flat out wrong.)

Lastly, Toby is not a fucking "Awe." when he tics, it is heavily explained in his original story that he as a character was tormented by it his entire life. Toby is not an extroverted idiot, He's shown to be smart depressed and recovering he's not your fucking waffle boy.

//I'm fine to add head cannons within reason//  - some of my head cannons being that Sally is like a child to Slender or that Hoodie and Masky have a healthy parent like relationship with Toby.

more minor things being that I think personally Jeff is ND or Eyeless is selective mute.

What I'm saying is this is almost pure fluff between the two, as you guessed it. Jeff and Jack.

If you actually wanted me to expand on a Hoodie, Masky relationship or go more in depth with other characters then the one's in the story from the second chapter (released tomorrow 15:00 BST after british school time) they will barely be mentioned.

Midnight Mistakes // Eyeless Jack x Jeff The KillerWhere stories live. Discover now