Toilet Solidarity

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Jeff lifted his dazed head from his bedroom pillow, not much from last night was clear but him and Jack must've gotten back inside to bed at some point.

Sitting he saw the can from last night on his bedside table, shaking his head to wake up more he drank it, fuck did he need eyedrops considering the no eye lid shit.

Walking out he headed to a more cornered off room that if you didn't look hard enough you'd miss it pretty easily, chapping on the door Hoodie emerged from a crack peaking out before fully opening the door, in the back was the proxies living area. Toby was still half asleep in his own bed and Masky had been doing some work on the desk.

"What's up Jeff?" Jeff stretched before replying "Got eyedrops?" Hoodie stopped for a second looking back into the room at Masky who searched a drawer lowest to the floor pulling some out and passing it to Hoodie.

Taking them he handed them to Jeff "Anything else?" 


"It's like eight in the morning we were just waking up." Jeff stood for a second collecting himself for nodding saying his goodbyes and heading to the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

Looking into the Mirror his scar was in plain eyesight, he hated it.

Running his hand across it carefully he looked down, It disgusted him. He had always portrayed himself as the uncaring type but deep down he hated it all, this situation and the scar.

Some part of him wished to be normal, wished that he hadn't dragged Liu into this whole mess, but he digressed.

He had to live with it now.

Looking upwards he straddled the cap from the eyedrops and carefully applied the liquid, he stood for a second or two putting the cap back on before an attempt to open the bathroom door was made "Yea?" he said looking over, "Jeff how long are you gonna be in there." exclaimed who Jeff guessed as Jane.

Walking over he unlocked and opened the door "I'm just finished you can go in." Jane nodded pushing past him and closing the door as he moved out of the way, yawning he looked down the hall.

Really he never really knew much about who's room was who, that and only a small few lived in the corridor he stayed.

From his knowledge Jane, Ben and the proxies lived on the right wing with him in their own rooms, the two extra rooms on that hall twist was to the attic and one to the dining room.

On the left wing was eyeless, sally, Liu and Nina, and from his knowledge LJ just slept where ever he wanted same with rake and smile. 

If anyone else lived in the mansion he hadn't met them yet, everyone had shown up at different times.

He only really knew who lived where by the names on the doors, honestly having the name "Jeffrey Woods." on his door made him cringe, the one name he didn't want anyone calling him by unless it was the shortened name which he used "Jeff" 

After being lost in thought for a short while he was Brought back by Toby poking him, he seemingly just woke up.

"B-Bitch." He stuttered.

Jeff looked over to Toby unamused before heading downstairs accompanied by his companion "Where were you last night?" Toby said adjusting his gloves, "None of you bees wax Ticci."

Toby only seemed drowsy not even in the mood to respond, sitting on the couch that was located in the rather large open living room Toby joined resting his head on the others lap sort of falling asleep a little, Ben was on the couch across seemingly having no sleep at all.

It would make sense.

"Ben you alright dude?" Jeff asked in a rather concerned tone to his friend that seemed pale as a gho- Well, you understand.

"Fine." he replied "I just spent all night searching the mansion for a game I lost for my DS." Jeff nodded, "I'm cleaning the attic and basement today with Jack I'll tell you if it find it." J hummed as his fingers rubbed circles in Toby's hair causing him to drift to sleep. 

Ben nodded slouching as he gazed upon slender who walked around seemingly looking for something as well.

All sorts of shit had been going missing.

"What you lookin' for slendy?" admittedly he seemed soft despite his rather scary persona, "Sally's teddy, she lost it yesterday and it hasn't turned up, me and Laughing Jack have been searching for since five this morning." 

Ben looked at Jeff who intern looked back, "Have you asked Masky or Hoodie since they babysit her?"

Slenderman nodded standing straight "Tim hasn't caught sight of it at all and Brian didn't recall seeing her with it yesterday either, I'll ask rogers when he awakes, I'd feel awful disturbing him like this."

Ben snorted a little, "That's extremely out of character for you, how come we don't get special treatment." 

"Because you're annoying pests." Jeff gasped "And Toby isn't, Don't lie to me you slim fuck."

"Do you see him causes a fuss? He does his chores unlike you Jeff.  If you want to be in my favour then stopped sneaking off with Jack."

Ben looked at Jeff mockingly, "Yeah stop running away with your little lover-boy." Jeff flushed "You sound like a fucking twelve year old discussing crushes go fuck yourself Ben."

The taller only sighed at the obnoxious boys before taking his leave, suddenly the Couch sprang a little catching Jeff and Ben's attention.

It was Jack he had probably just woken up as well, "Do you guy's smell the fucking smoke?" Ben nodded, "Masky was being a dick this morning and refusing to smoke outside."

"Fuck me, you'd think he'd be more mature for his age." Jeff nodded "Hoodie puts him in his place." 

Actually, know Jeff and Ben had actually woken up something felt off about Jack "Where's your mask?" Ben asked first, Jack took a second "Well for one it's missing, and two I thought It would be a good change of paste to not swear it when I'm inside, Ben nodded in agreement that it was in fact a good choice.

Jeff only thought back to last night when Jack made that statement.

How his fingers ran across his face, and how the cold goo emitting from his eyes touching Jeff's flesh hadn't repealed him but drawn him in, it was odd yet felt like it had only happened a mere second ago.

Toby stirred waking up again from his slumber and noticing jack, "Hey." he said earning a wave from Jack in return.

"What where you doing last night?" Everyone attention rested on Toby, "What?" Jack retorted "You where on the roof touching Jeff's face and shit, Hoodie was trying to get me down from a tree while pa-patrolling, patrolling when we saw it." he said an odd clicking sound he made followed after.

Jeff felt his stomach turning, as Ben laughed "Wait I was fuckin' right you guys!?"

"No." the paler returned. "Jack was.. Fixing my hair." If he had told the truth he wouldn't know what to say. That he had been touching his friends face and caressing it because he's a weirdo? Yeah no thanks.

There was a shared silence between them all, Jack jokingly replying "I just like touching face's." 

Midnight Mistakes // Eyeless Jack x Jeff The KillerWhere stories live. Discover now