The Boy I Once Knew: Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Jaydin


I was was only 5 years old. That was 11 years ago. I remember the day just as if it were yesterday. We lived in a small town, but my mom and dad got jobs out in the city. We were packing up and said our final goodbyes to everyone we loved in that town. I didn't have much friends.... Except Blake. He was my best friend, and I was his. "I'll miss you! I'll come back and visit. Pinky promise!" We pinky promised and hugged each other goodbye. "I'll never forget you, Holly!" was the last thing he said before I drove away, watching him wave goodbye as I watched out the window. I still think about him. I haven't talked to him since that day. I still wonder how he is.

Chapter 1:

"What? We are moving back?" Mom sighed. "Our business was failing. Moving back seems like the only thing to do. City life isn't for us, sweety." I was speechless and mad. First of all, I was mad because she decided to tell me that we were moving the day we were supposed to move. I loved the city. I didn't want to move back to the boring old town we used to live in. Dad came in with the boxes. "Come on, it will be good. You can see all of your old friends and catch up with each other!" I rolled my eyes at the boxes. It was too late to call all of this off. "I don't have any friends there. All of my friends are here." Mom scrunched her eyebrows together, something she did when she was confused. "What about Blake? You haven't talked in forever! You guys were two peas in a pod. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about you!" I sighed. I DID remember Blake. I just didn't like to bring him up. It hurt too much. I ignored my mother and packed up. After I finished packing up, I sat on the floor of my empty room. I was definitely going to miss this place. Then, I heard the words I never wanted to hear. "The moving truck is here!" I stood up reluctantly and made my way downstairs to the truck. Mom rubbed my back reassuringly as I climbed in the car. "Don't worry, honey." That didn't make me better at all. I watched out the window as I saw my house getting smaller and smaller in the distance, until it disappeared out of my sight.

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