Chapter 2

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I get to the law office, casefile in hand and Mikey waiting in the car with the windows down. When I enter the law office, I immediately see Jacob through the glass window in one of the rooms. He's talking with someone, shaking his hand. A client, I'm guessing. I decide to wait until he's done before going in.

He looks taller, smarter in his suit, not that he needs it. He's already towering over me and he's at least six feet tall. I remember that Garrett is around 5'10 and he's still a couple inches taller than him. I can't tell if it's a cheap suit that's been tailored or an expensive suit or not because it fits him well and he looks good in it.

No, stop it, he's your boss and he's old enough to be your father.

When his client leaves I bring in the case file and he smiles his straight white teeth at me. I'm embarrassed when I can feel myself blushing and try to make it stop. My skin is pale enough that even the slightest bit of red will light up my whole face, but he doesn't seem to notice. In fact, right after he takes the casefile he doesn't look at me at all, instead skimming through the pages and talking with his head buried in the folder. Something about it doesn't rub me the right way.

"Thanks so much Brooke, I can't thank you enough." He says.

"Oh, it was nothing. Michael was even excited to ride in the car, I think he's warming up to me." I say.

"Right, he hasn't been anywhere in a while. Darla and I have both been so swamped with work that we haven't been able to take him out for the past week."

Darla, his wife.

"Yeah, I got that from his excitement."

"It's good that he's warming up to you, though. He's normally pretty quiet around people he doesn't know." Jacob tells me, finally looking up. I get a rush through my body when he does. "I'm warming up to you too, I guess."

He stands up and brushes past me as he goes to open the door. When he does, he holds it open and gestures for me to go through and it occurs to me that it's already time to leave. I hate that I want to stay longer, and there's something about the way that he's standing that makes me want to do things I shouldn't want to do to an older married man who is also my boss.

The doorway is narrow and his body is big and strong so my shoulder brushes against his chest as I leave his office. He walks me out of the building, opening the door once again and I wish the door wasn't as wide so that I could brush against him once more.

I go back to the car and Mikey is still waiting in the backseat listening to the radio that I've left on. I make sure that he's alright before turning on the ignition and getting out of the parking space.

It's not a long drive from the law office to the house, but it feels like it with the amount of thoughts racing through my head. 

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