Chapter 41: Sirens In The News

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"Honestly, Oceana was selfish," Yoongi stated as he took a sip of water. The members were once again in the dance studio the following day, practicing hard on the new choreography.

"I guess, but technically Y/N did agree to become a siren, so it's not like Oceana was forcing to do it against her will," Hoseok argued with an uncertain expression, "I mean, I can't think that what Oceana did makes her evil or selfish really. She saved her friend's life."

"Yeah and doomed her to not even be able to see her parents or walk on land," Yoongi protested as he shook his head disapproving, "Personally, I think she was selfish. She should have been honest with Y/N from the start about the transformation and let her willingly choose whether or not to go through with it. That's all I'm saying." Hoseok rolled his eyes in response, but said nothing else to argue with.

Jungkook sat on the floor of the dance studio, thinking deep in thought. Truthfully, he didn't really know how to react to what Oceana had told them yesterday. He didn't know if he felt mad at her or if he felt pity for her, but he did know that if she hadn't done what she had done then he wouldn't have never meant Y/N, so in a way he was a bit grateful to her.

"What are you thinking about JK?" Seokjin asked curiously as he sat down beside the youngest.

"Thinking about what everyone else is thinking about. What Oceana told us about yesterday. It's still hard to believe and comprehend," Jungkook responded with a small sigh as he pinched his shirt and moved his shirt quickly to cool off a bit.

"Hm, yeah, it is quite shocking, but at this point it's not too shocking since we know that sirens exist, not much after that is too shocking," Seokjin replied with a laugh and a knowing look. Jungkook nodded with a small smile. "Though, I do wonder how Y/N will react when Oceana tells her, if Oceana decides to tell her."

"I hope she tells her. She deserves to know," Jungkook stated with a wary look as he sighed, "To think though too, after coming to know all of this, we let a scientist get his hands on it."

"Eh well, it happened and we solved it, so all we can do is look ahead, not stay in the past," Seokjin insisted with a comforting smile. Jungkook nodded in response just as their break came to an end and the choreographer called them back to practice. Heaving themselves up from the ground, they set their water bottles and towels to the side and walked over to the choreographer. Just as they did, their managers came barging in making everyone in the dance studio look at them in confusion.

"Manager-nims, what's wrong?" Jimin asked in concern at seeing the three managers looking at the members with semi panicked, but also semi furious expressions.

"Boys, to the dorms, now," one of the managers instructed in a firm tone as he gestured to the members to follow him and the two other managers back to the dorm. The members, confused and worried, grabbed their things. They apologized to the choreographer before following after their managers all the way back to the dorm.

Once in the dorm, they all sat down in the living room. The managers took out a folder and the members had a sense of deja vu.

"Firstly, before we start, do you boys know who this Dr. Kai is?" The second manager asked curiously, but also suspiciously. The members were hesitant to answer, but reluctantly nodded. "Sigh, we were hoping you didn't."

"What's happened?" Namjoon asked in a serious tone.

The managers took out some images from the file folder and showed them to the members. The members were shocked to see that the pictures looked to be from the media, like the news. It was pictures of Y/N and the members together. These pictures though were quite different from the ones that they had received from those reporters. The managers also took out a laptop and showed the members news headlines and articles, specifically a website that they recognized to be Dr. Kai's.

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