Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]

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Jungkook waited patiently over the phone, waiting for Oceana to give the phone to Y/N. A few days after Oceana had left after coming to visit the members, she messaged the Jungkook that she would be visiting Y/N soon to tell her that she would be able to return. Jungkook was so excited to finally be able to hear her voice again. Even though he wanted to see her in person, it was enough for him to be able to at least talk to her.

Oceana had traveled to the beach area where she would meet up with Y/N. She had told her to meet her there by a certain time, but she got there a bit early so now she waited with Jungkook still on the other end of the call.

"Is she there yet?" Jungkook asked impatiently as he tapped his foot lightly against the floor of the living room. The other members were there with him.

"Jungkook, be patient. You've asked that question 5 times," Namjoon stated with a small head shake of disapproval. The younger one sighed and pouted a bit.

"Don't worry Jungkookie, Y/N will come," Taehyung piped encouragingly as he gave a boxy smile to the younger one. Jungkook nodded slowly, but still felt impatient. His hyungs could understand why he was being so impatient. After all, he was finally going to get to talk with the girl that he loved and hadn't seen for around a year now. That was right, a whole year without seeing her and yet her features, her personality, everything was still perfectly clear in his mind as if he had seen her everyday for the whole year.

For a good 15 minutes, they waited for Oceana to tell them that Y/N was coming and finally she did.

"She's here..!" Oceana announced with excitement. Hearing that, the members all smiled with excitement as well, especially Jungkook who was tapping his foot nervously. "Hey Y/N, someone's on the other end of the phone. Someone who really wants to talk to you~."

"Jungkook?" Y/N's familiar, soft voice could be heard. Jungkook cracked a happy smile at hearing her say his name again.

"Yes Y/N! It's me! It's Jungkook!" Jungkook exclaimed into the phone, picking it up in his hands and holding it close to him.

"Wow! That was right in my ear," Oceana complained as she let out a groan.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh sorry Oceana..., can I talk to Y/N now?"

"Sure, just give me one sec," Oceana answered.

"Hey~!! Oceana~!! Give me the phone please~! I wanna talk to Jungkook~!!" Y/N let out a whine as splashing could be heard. The members stifled amused laughs at her whiny tone.

"Y/N, stop splashing, you're gonna get water all over the phone and then you're not gonna be able to talk to Jungkook," Oceana said with a small laugh. Y/N let out a huff at that. "Alright, I'll let you talk to him now. Here you go."

"Thank you," Y/N thanked before talking into the phone, "Jungkook?"

"H-Hi Y/N," Jungkook stuttered nervously. The other members snickered a bit at his stuttering, but also found it cute. He mentally slapped himself for stuttering like that. "It's good to hear your voice again."

"You too. I missed you a lot..," Y/N spoke in a gentle tone. Her simple words made Jungkook smile. He glanced at his hyungs, who looked at him with raised eyebrows. He knew that they were going to tease him about it later, but he didn't care in that moment because he wanted to express as well how much he missed her.

"I missed you so much too Y/N," he admitted while biting his lip. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his hyungs grinning teasingly. He ignored those grins and just focused on the phone in his hands. "Did Oceana tell you yet? You can come back now. Dr. Kai and his research are gone now."

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