Chapter 2: Gold Coin

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~ The Next Day ~

Today, the members of BTS had the day off. It had been a well deserved day off. They had been working their butts off the past few months. As much as they were overjoyed at the popularity that they were receiving, they were human after all and they needed a break once in a while.

The BTS members all slept in and slept in peacefully. Jungkook was sound asleep in his bed. His mind had been filled with what had happened yesterday. All through the night, his thoughts went to Y/N, the cute and clueless mermaid that he had met. He had swam with her, sung with her, and even kissed her in his dreams. He smiled in his sleep.

"Yo, Jungkook, you getting up any time soon?" A familiar voice asked waking him up from his sweet dreams. Jungkook groaned as he opened a single eye to see Namjoon peered down at him. He sighed as he pushed Namjoon's face away and placed his pillow over his face. "Come on man, it's 1:00 in the afternoon. I know you're tired from yesterday, but you've been sleeping all morning."

"So what? It's our day off. Let me sleep," Jungkook complained as he closed his eyes and tried to fall back to sleep. Namjoon sighed heavily as he gave up and left the room. Jungkook sighed in relief that his hyung was gone and focused on falling back to sleep, but he couldn't. He had been awoken and now he was wide awake. He sighed heavily as he sat up in his bed and yawned, stretching his arms out wide. It was true. He was beyond tired from yesterday. Everything ached. "It's 1:00 he said? What could I do at 1:00 in the afternoon?"

He sighed again as he stood up from bed and walked over to his window. His eyes met the shimmering sea in the bright afternoon sun. His thoughts were then brought to yesterday afternoon. That's right. He had met a real life mermaid. He had even felt her tail. He wondered if she would be there again today. His wonders were answered when he saw the outline of a girl with a fish tail swimming around in the water by the shore. His eyes lit up as he quickly got changed into his swim trunks and a shirt before rushing out of his room.

"Where are you off to Jk?" Seokjin asked curiously as he noticed the hurried maknae rush past him.

"Down to the beach for a bit," Jungkook said in response as he put on his shoes and his big floppy sunhat. He began spraying on sunscreen.

"Didn't we go to the beach yesterday?" Yoongi asked as he laid on the couch with a top hat over his face.

"Yeah, so what? Can't I go to the beach again?" Jungkook asked with a shrug.

"Sure, I'll come with you Jungkook," Jimin insisted as he went to go back to his room.

"No, I want to go alone," Jungkook voiced as he shook his head, "I won't be long. I promise. I'll be back before supper." Without waiting for a response from his hyungs, Jungkook walked out the door and down to the beach front. He walked along the shore, letting the crashing waves roll over his pale feet. He finally came to where he had seen Y/N. He could see the color of her bright tail as it moved along the ocean floor. From what he could see from above the water surface, she seemed to be collecting shells. He walked further into the water and sat down. He waited patiently for her to notice him. When she finally did, she resurfaced the water and looked at him in surprise.

"Oh, it's just you. What was your name again?" She asked curiously as she stared at him. He stared perplexed at her memory loss, but let out a small sigh.

"It's Jungkook," he introduced himself once again.

"Oh, right. You're that pervy hermit crab from yesterday," she mentioned as she got closer to him. He inhaled deeply and exhaled deeply. He was irritated at the fact that after he told her several times that he wasn't hermit crab, that she still didn't manage to process that in her brain, but he kept his composure.

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