Wrong Turn?

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"𝑼𝒎.. 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒘𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆..."

"𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕"

Two omegas wondered the area looking for where they were supposed to be going which was the arcade. Of course their phones decided to die half way there and they decided to take a few guesses on where to go. Which clearly didn't work well seeing as the were scared, lost, cold, and hungry now. They had left while it was still daylight out, but now the sun was setting.

To add to their fear the area they found themselves reaked of alpha scent. A clear give away that 2 omegas should never be there alone, especially not at night. There were plenty of alleyways in the area making the two watch their surroundings more intensely.

Seungmin jumped feeling a hands touching his shoulder. Slowly he turned to meet the eyes of a clearly much older alpha. Jisung still clinging to him, hiding behind him slightly.

???: What are two beautiful omegas doing out this late?
The older alpha asked with a creepy smirk appearing on his face which only meant trouble.

Seungmin: o-oh u-um we were lost but now we found our way and we're gonna go
Seungmin spoke quickly and turned around to run out of there with Jisung but was blocked by another alpha.

???2: leaving so soon? We haven't had any fun yet

Seungmin didn't hesitate to drag Jisung and run out of there as fast as he possibly could. Jisung stumbling behind him doing his best to keep up when hearing the two alphas chasing them.

???: Get back here you brats!!!

Yeah like that was gonna get them to come back. Sprinting in whichever direction they could away from the alphas. Without paying attention they crashed into someone else.

'Oh no not another alpha' they both thought looking up at the one they bumped into. Both were petrified at this point. The alpha only looked at the two confused. 'Omegas? In these parts? At this hour' is what he thought. Their sweet scents almost overwhelming him. One scent much stronger than the other.

???2: where'd they go?!
One of the alphas called out. The omegas couldn't move out of fear, no way could they fight off 3 alphas at once.

The alpha they crashed into grabbed both of their arms, yanking them up. He dragged them inside his house which was right next to them. Closing the door and locking it behind him.

Jisung and Seungmin instantly scurried to huddle together in the corner. They had no idea where they were, no idea who's house they were in or the intentions of the alpha who brought them there. No idea of how to escape.

The alpha took instant notice of the two huddled in the corner between the couch and wall. Slowly the alpha approached them, trying not to scare them with sudden movements. He saw the omegas look at him with wide eyes.

Hyunjin: it's okay, my name is Hyunjin. I pulled you inside so those alphas couldn't mess with you.

Jisung: J-Jisung
He didn't know why but he felt like he could trust the alpha. He didn't hurt them, instead he helped them. And his scent wasn't horrible like most alphas. It was comforting? Of course he couldn't let his guard down instantly as he just met him.

Hyunjin: Jisung? Is that your name?

The omega nodded still huddling against his taller friend who was shocked he said his name to the alpha.

Hyunjin: and what's your name?
He softly asked the other omega.

Seungmin: ... Seungmin

The alpha nodded in response, then backing up to give the two some space.

Hyunjin: it's dangerous here for omegas. Those two that were looking for you are most likely still out there. It's best if you stay here for the night.

Standing up he made his way to the closet grabbing a thin blanket.

Hyunjin: you two can sleep in my room. I'll take the couch.

The omegas just stayed in place still shocked at the kindness hyunjin was showing them. Slowly the two standing up. Jisung way more trusting then Seungmin even thought Jisung barely had trust in the alpha.

Hyunjin: cmon my room is this way
He walked down the hallway. The other two walking behind him, leaving a bit of distance just incase. Hyunjin standing off to the side, making sure not to block the doorway once the omegas entered.

Hyunjin: the bed should be big enough for the both of you
He walked over to the closet while the omegas glanced around the room, sniffing the alphas scent that covered the room. Oddly it relaxed Jisung. Seungmin however it didn't comfort at all, the only comforting scent was Jisung's.

Hyunjin: here's some clothes to change into for the night.
He handed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to Seungmin. However for Jisung he only handed and over-sized hoodie.

Hyunjin: Sorry Jisung, I don't have any sweats that'll fit you so I hope this will do. I'll be out in the living room if you need me.

With that being said he left the room, closing the door so the omegas could change in peace.

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