Late start

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Jisung was the first to wake up. He could feel the warmth of the sun coming in through the window as he snuggled against the body next to him.

Seungmin: Good morning Ji
He spoke in a audible tone.

Jisung: Morning Minnie
The other mumbled back nussling against Seungmin's chest. Just as the two were about to fall back asleep the door opened. Seungmin shot up from his comfy spot to see who was there. Jisung on the other hand simply turned his head to see. A small smile forming seeing it was Hyunjin. Seungmin wasn't smiling at all though, not liking how the Alpha was standing in front of the only exit.

Hyunjin: Um... we slept in a bit too long, it's up to you but we should wait until tomorrow morning to get you two home...

Seungmin wasn't happy with this at all, he layed down and turned facing the wall. He didn't want to stay here anymore and he hated how weak he was just because he was an omega. Jisung was obviously concerned with his best friends actions. Worried of what thoughts he may be having.

Hyunjin: Breakfast is ready when you want it...

Jisung: Thank you hyunjin
He gave a small nod towards Jisung and hyunjin left, giving the two their space.

Jisung: Minnie?

Seungmin: What.

Jisung: We should go eat

Seungmin: I don't trust them Ji.

Jisung: You don't have to trust them but we still need to eat

Seungmin: If we wait it out they'll probably get rid of us sooner. Then we can finally leave.

Jisung huffed and sat still. There was no use arguing with seungmin when he was like this. So for the next few hours Seungmin and Jisung stayed in the room. Seungmin never moved from the bed but Jisung was everywhere in that room. Look at the books on the shelf, seeing what trinkets hyunjin had laying around, the omega even looked in hyunjin's closet.

Seungmin: You really have no boundaries Jisung.

Jisung: Let me do what I want

Jisung pouted while he got a few of Hyunjins clothes out of the closet. Taking one of the blankets they were given Jisung set it up in the corner of the room. Adding some pillows for extra comfort and some of hyunjin's clothes for the scent. Seungmin looked at Jisung completely shocked.

Seungmin: Jisung... are you nesting?

Jisung looked at what he had done and looked back at Seungmin equally shocked. "I-I guess I am... I didn't even notice.."

Seungmin: We need to leave, now.

Seungmin got up grabbing Jisung's hand but before they could move towards the door it opened. Before hyunjin could even get a clear view of the omegas Seungmin let out a defensive growl. It shocked hyunjin to say the least. Being growled at by an omega was something that rarely happened ever so it threw him off a bit. Instantly taking a step back while he watched Jisung be pulled behind Seungmin. Glancing around the room to see what may have triggered the reaction, he noticed a new pile of blankets, pillows and... some of his clothes? Gently settling the plates he was carrying down on the side table, he kept a good distance away from the two and the nest.

Hyunjin: One of you are going into heat?

Seungmin was shocked the alpha noticed so soon when he shouldn't have been able to. But they didn't know hyunjin's mom had educated him when he was a pup on omega ways. Jisung slightly nodded and hyunjin saw despite the smaller being hidden behind Seungmin.

Seungmin: That is none of your business! We are leaving.

Dragging Jisung with him they rushed towards the door. But of course Seungmin was too focused on running he didn't see Minho walk infront of him, running into the Alpha they all collapsed on the floor. Hyunjin had ran after them but stopped early enough to avoid the collision. Seungmin quickly got off the other, wrapping is arms protectively around Jisung.

Minho: Woah woah woah what's going on? What happened?

Minho was completely lost, just yesterday the two omegas were calm yet not they were anything but. Another growl came from Seungmin. This time however Minho growled back. Even though Minho would never hurt the omegas he wasn't going to be growled at without a reason.

Seungmin flinched back hearing Minho growl, scared the other was about to do something he shielded Jisung and attempted to shield himself as well.

Hyunjin: Hey Minho calm down they're just scared

Minho: Doesn't give them the right to growl. I never touched them nor tried to.

Hyunjin: Just... let me handle this
Minho shrugged and walked off.

"Hey" Hyunjin crouched down in front of the two. Movements slow with a soft voice. "I'm not gonna try anything, I promise"

Seungmin: You can't promise that. You alphas can't control your hormones.

Seungmin snapped back even though he knew it could be dangerous. And if hyunjin wasn't raised how he was then the younger would definitely be in danger from that statement. But hyunjin wasn't like most alphas just looking for something to breed and use.

A frown came onto hyunjin's lips.

Hyunjin: I know you don't trust me, but I would never do something without consent. It's dangerous in this area for you two, especially now one of you is close to you heat. The scent is already getting a little sweeter. You can stay in my room, lock the door if you want. But please don't be reckless and put yourselves in harms way

Seungmin couldn't tell if the alpha was being sincere or manipulative. But Jisung looked at him like he was a hero. He could practically feel the kindness and worry radiate of the alpha which was strange and rare in the world they lived in.

"For right now... can you trust me?" Hyunjin held out his hands to the omegas. Jisung hesitated for a slight second but then reached out and held onto hyunjin's hand making the older smile softly. Seungmin refused to take his hand. 

Seungmin: Fine. We'll stay, for now.

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