Svetlana's Nephew

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Stiles Stilinski was tired, beaten, and honestly to his breaking point and being Russian (raised by a hardass Russian mother) that said a lot. He had lost trust in his friends, lost respect for his father, and didn't even know where he was going with his life. He was still haunted by the actions of the Nogitsune and being forgotten. So he does the only thing he think to do and gives his aunt a call. She after giving him a slight scolding and telling him he is getting soft invited (threatened) him into coming to visit her.

So that was why Stiles during the summer before freshman year of college was standing outside the bar where is aunt wanted to meet. Stiles was a little surprised after all his aunt had married rich and was wanted to meet at a dive bar. He could see a faded russian sign falling off and smell piss, beer, and old sweat. For some reason, for the first time in a long time he smiled.

Pushing the door open he threw on a smirk and walked up to the barkeep (a guy with a buzz cut and some kind of shitty tattoos) Stiles leaned forward, "Have you seen a women named Svetlana around here? She's a scary Russian I'm sure you couldn't miss her."

The guy, Kev, if from what his aunt has told him was true looked at him suspiciously, "Why do you want to know?"

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Just tell her Mischief is here please."

The man gave him a long look before yelling into the back, "Lana someone's here for you!"

The man who happened to be beside him leaned in closed to Stiles, "You might be out of luck kid I heard she's out of the whoring business."

An African American women, V, who had been on the other side of the bar walked over as Kev turned on his heel still yelling for Stiles aunt, "Shut it, Frank."

The larger of the two barflys on the end snorted, "Can't you just fuck off Frank." He then rises his beer and eyed Stiles, "So why are you actually looking for the Russian?"

Not even a moment later his normally stoic aunt came running from the back babbling in fast pace Russian that even Stiles was having trouble keeping up with. She was cursing him out, saying she loved him, and calling his mother a whore all in one breath. Yup that was his aunt. When she reached him, Svetlana wrapped her arms around him slightly shoving his face into her boobs before pulling back and petting his hair, "My Mischief."

The normal patrons of the bar eyed him wearily. Stiles only rolled his eyes and smiled pulling back slightly, "I, тетя (aunt in Russian), you know I hate that."

She composed herself and slapped his arm, "You dumb fuck come running to тетя when you get soft."

Stiles leaned against the bar smiling internally glad to have his aunt back, "I'm not soft maybe I just missed you."

She throws her hands up on the air, "You soft like pussy."

"тетя," he draws out his eyes slanted.

V steps in, "This isn't another one of your husbands is it."

Kev butts in, "Yeah and what's this тетя nonsense."

Stiles is internally glad although he can't let it show. He missed dueling wits with his aunt. He missed her straightforward and sideways way. But unlike anyone else in the building he knows she is mostly giving him shit and causing a scene for the hell of it. Overdramatic bitch.

Svetlana cocks her eyebrow, "Not husband," before pursing her lips and snorting at Stiles. She turns back to her two former lovers, "This is nephew, Mieczysław."

V let out a small yelp and Kevin's mouth fell open. Stiles for what felt like the 50th time today rolled his eyes, "But please just call me, Stiles."
That's how this whole mess started. The next thing he knows his aunt is forcing vodka shots in him to "toughen him up" then telling him is going to live in the attic of the bar. And Stiles decides to just stay. Even when his aunt stops coming around the bar as much because she's living with her rich husband he still sticks around. He's going to school online and working at the bar in between. Somehow he finds his place.

Svetlana's Nephew (A Carl Gallagher + Stiles fic) (TW + Shameless)Where stories live. Discover now