💔 To Be Thrown Away pt. 2

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WARNING!!! If you're uncomfortable with lack of consent, slight mention of rape, skip the first paragraph. This is a hardcore angst and we are talking about DEMONS here. You know all the bad things they're capable of doing, right?
Notes : If you find this offensive, feel free to leave a comment (stay positive ok) so I can edit this story later. Good luck!

Songs :
• The Cut That Always Bleeds - Conan Gray
• A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be - Jess Benko
• Already Gone - Sleeping At Last
• Breathe Again - Sleeping At Last

As you cried all by yourself in the dark room, you heard footsteps coming towards your door. You were too tired to deal with anything else, but yet, the trials and pain were constant. "Y/N! What do you think about this jacket? Pretty right?" you just nodded, agreeing to the demon with peach coloured hair's statement. "Aw come on you didn't even take a look at it! By the way, I met a sexy succubi just this morning. I can't get my hands on her so come here!" He grabbed you by your arms with his two hands. His grip was so strong, you could feel the pain. Throwing you on the bed as he started making out with you and took your clothes off. But the one thing you know, there's no passion, there's no love, only lust. The worst thing that you could think about is the fact he imagined you as someone else. Tears ran down your face while Asmo was minding his own business. You felt nothing but pain, physically and emotionally. After he finished what he wanted to do with you, he walked towards your room exit. "Why are you doing this to me??" You screamed loudly while crying, sitting vulnerably on the bed. "Darling, you are my PROPERTY, remember? Now now... Don't cry, can't you see it's Asmo right here? You should be happy!" he left your room and you cried, again, as he shutted the wooden door.

At this point, you were too deeply hurt. You wanted to go back to your life before, in the human world where you never got taken to RAD by Lucifer and Diavolo. But then you were reminded about your angel and human friends. Unfortunately for you, when you picked up your phone, and tried to call them, there was no answer whatsoever other than the tone of voice mail redirection. "I am so done with this... Just kill me already." you were still thinking about suicidal thoughts. You walked outside, went between the classic style corridors. Arriving at the common room, you saw Belphie still sleeping on the couch. You didn't mind that much, so you continued crying. Usually Belphie wouldn't bother. But then when you almost got to the entrance, you felt pain and humiliation as a pillow hit your head. "Weep somewhere else, stupid human!" Belphie mildly screamed. You can see the irritation in his face because your crying interrupted his sleep. "S- sorry..." you walked outside with your face facing the ground. All that left for you is agony and misery. You could feel the water trickled on your whole body, the rain started to pour. You made your way to the front gate and left the House of Lamentation. When you walked down the dim and busy street of Devildom, tears kept rolling down your cheeks. You don't have the strength to keep your head up.

Feeling tired and mournful, you accidentally bumped yourself to someone. It was Levi. You were shocked seeing his bag of merch fell down to the ground along with you. But it was just a hoodie, it won't break. You hoped as you see Levi getting angry. "WATCH WHERE YOU ARE WALKI- huh...? PFFT it's you human. Use your eyes when you walk, dumbass! You almost ruined my Ruri-chan merch!!" He yelled at you and then laughed seeing you fell to the ground, vulnerable and unable to say anything except "Sorry." "Why do I keep saying that? It's not like this is all my fault. It's theirs." "LOLOLOL get lost, uncultured normie!" Levi yanked his merch bag from your hand and walked away. He didn't even help you to get up. So then you tried your best to rise and continue walking with your weary body. Along the way, you heard whispers and talkings of those around you. The other demons were staring at you, ready to tear your limbs apart and eat you. You managed to get to the bridge, with the intention of ending your own life.

You put your hands on the edge of the bridge. It is as if the stream is inviting you to let him reclaim you. The cold breeze hit your face and you can feel it piercing through your bones. Water, there's so much water. It's falling from the sky, and it's inviting you to dive from down below. Right now, you can't feel anything else besides emptiness. The beautiful memories suddenly flashed inside your mind, and then you remember how it all changes since the brothers already found your replacement. "I could disappear and nobody will ever notice." you let out a soft and lifeless voice, looking up to the cloudy sky. You stride over the bridge's border. Looking downwards, a grin formed by your lips. "A gate to the new life!" your eyes widen, anyone can see the vacuity and insanity from them. Your hands are letting go of the cold iron bar behind you. As gravity pulls you apart from the clouds, you cherish the gusts of wind that you may feel for the last time. Time elapsed, everything went dark. But it turns out, death is not the end of everything. A new life awaits you on the other side. And by the time you realize it, 'revenge' is the only word that comes to your head.

A/n : Wow... this is- quite, a short chapter. Sorry about that (¯▿¯) On the next part of "To Be Thrown Away" I will write about how y/n will return to make everyone pay all that they have done to them. It's going to be fun, and believe me, there will be a few surprising plots d(°∀°d)

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