💔 To Be Thrown Away pt. 3

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Gender Neutral Reader
Songs :
• Love & War - Yellow Claw, Yade Lauren
• Revenge - $NOT
• Demons - Imagine Dragon

This is an image about what Quentin probably looks like in this fic :

And Bernieche looks like Zeke Yeager from AoT but with a slightly different hairstyle

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And Bernieche looks like Zeke Yeager from AoT but with a slightly different hairstyle.


“Hey! Hey! Um… are you awake?”

You opened your eyes just to find yourself laying on a furry leather surface, which seems to be a couch. Your hazy sight captures the medieval styled room with many woods and large windows. The dim light of lanterns embellishes the atmosphere. So many questions popped up inside your head before you could entirely process what was going on, like “What is this place?” “Why does my body feel really weird?” “Am I really dead?” There is a man with a simple dusty white shirt and brown vest sitting a few meters from you, observing you carefully. You were cautious, can’t help but being a little bit scared, seeing him glared at you intensely. “Wh- who are you? Why am I here?” before you could spit out all of the sentences upon your head, another man enters the room. “Ah, you’re finally conscious. I brought some tea.” Those two men seem normal, but you still wonder about the current situation. “Are you guys demons?” you switch your sceptical gaze between the two of them. “Oh pardon, we forgot to introduce ourselves.” the older man stands up, walking closer to the younger person “I am Bernieche and this is my foster child, Quentin. Indeed, we are demons. But not particularly a high rank.” The foster son let out a nod as an approval. Your face turns dark as both your pupils shrink. “D- demons?? Ple- please don’t eat me!” you are scared, the fact that demons take prey on humans and their souls. But something unexpected happened. “Ahahah! Why would we eat our own kind? Demons don’t eat fellow demons. You should’ve known that.” Bernieche laughed while patting Quentin’s shoulder and then he sat back beside the table. Your brain is trying so hard to translate the old man’s words. “Here, drink this to calm yourself. Don’t worry this won’t harm you.” the young male handed the cup of tea. As you moved slightly from your seat, you felt a foreign texture brushing your arm. Jumping in place, you immediately look behind when you see two sets of black wings attached to your back, similar to the ones Lucifer has, but smaller. You quickly graze your palm on it and can definitely sense it on your nerves. That is also when you realize your clothes have turned all shades of black.

Staring at your own reflection on the tea, you ask the two demons about what happened to you. How they found you, and most importantly, where are you right now? Have you really died after jumping from that bridge? The whole thing seems like a dream to you. “We saw a dark blue light radiating from the river when we walked past it. My son stopped in his track, so I was genuinely curious too and stared for a while. That’s when suddenly your body floats on the surface of the cold water. Quentin quickly ran there to save you. You should be grateful.” The elder demon with old style glasses stated, slowly sipping his warm coffee. “Oh, I am really thankful. I appreciate it, sincerely.” you bow a little, giving them gratitude because at least once you were awake, you weren’t floating around in the freezing dirty black water of Devildom. "So I’m a demon now? Because I ended my own life?" You thought to yourself. "Ah, I almost forgot… This is already hell to begin with."

“Do you need anything else, Ms/Mr…?” Quentin asks. “[Long Name]. You can call me Y/N. I don’t need anything, yet. Thank you for your concern.” a polite smile spread through your face. “So… Ms./Mr. Y/N, I didn’t mean to interlope, but can you perhaps tell us about what happened to you before?” Bernieche says “Well, if you don’t mind, that is.” You are fondling your fingers, head facing down. The bitter memories that you don’t want to bring back suddenly emerges again. The reason why you jumped in the first place, the people (or demons) that once you loved, the lonely feeling inside your aching soul. Without realizing, tears start to form on the corner of your eyes. “Ahh, pardon… Here’s some tissue.” the young man hands you a box of soft tissue. You immediately wipe it across your face, cleaning the evidence of pain you felt. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to-” Bernieche’s speech was interrupted by yours. “It’s alright. I understand your concern.” you try your best to keep smiling “May I know the reason why you were asking?” a moment of silence fills the room. You worry, what if accidentally you said something offensive. “We’ve been through that state… cold and half dead, drifting with the streams of Devildom River.” Quentin put the tissue box on the table as he fixed his clothing “We can’t deny that demons still have remaining empathy.” you feel bad about the fact, but your head can’t hold up the questions forming inside it. “Did you guys… um well- commit s- su-” you don’t know why but the words just won’t come out. “Suicide? Yes. But we aren’t dwelling in our past anymore. Well, not after hundreds of years.” the old man chuckled. “In that case, I did the same.” you look back at your palms who were clenching the fabric of your lower clothing.

“You want to seek revenge?” A sudden phrase from the young man is enough to gather your attention. “What?” you look up at him, brows furrowed. “Revenge. That’s the least we can do after meeting death and surviving, right? We’re demons afterall.” you remain silent, because what on Devildom is happening right now? Who are these guys, bold enough to give you such an offer? “Haha, no need to worry. We might seem like a lowly demon who knows nothing.” Quentin says “But in a matter of fact, we give some sort of a… vengeance service?” he smirks at you with a glimpse of evil in his eyes. “Not everyone knows about this. In our spare time, we work as an ordinary artificial greenhouse farmer.” Bernieche stands up from his own chair, and lowers himself in front of you. “Why did you jump?” he asks. You aren’t sure whether to tell the truth or just refuse their offer. “It’s… it’s a long story.” obscurity shrouds over you. But going back to everything the brothers did to you, how they hurt your feelings just because of another person, it cuts a wound inside you. “You seem hesitant. But please, don’t mind telling us about it. We will gladly help.” the older male says while his step son nods in agreement. At last, you choose to accept their assistance.

•  •  •

After telling them all of your story, you try so hard to keep yourself from tumbling down, taking a journey through the old pain. As a demon, you don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. You’ll just choose whatever you feel like doing the most. “I see… arranging a plan for some of the most powerful demons in Devildom might not be easy. But we got this.” Quentin says with a brief smile. It almost feels like their lives as a demon are dedicated to doing this stuff. “Y/N, so I assume you don’t have anywhere to stay right now?” Bernieche asks with a sceptical look. “Yes, unfortunately.” you feel a bit guilty. “It’s alright, you can remain here with us until you find a new place.” Quentin pats your shoulder carefully. “Now, I suggest you should rest.”

Waking up for the second time that day, the sky remains the same shade of dark grey, as usual. You look at the classic wooden clock and it shows the time. It is around 7 PM. You look around the room and find a pile of supplies on the table, probably for you. A towel, toothbrush, 3 in 1 soap, tissues, bottle of water, blank papers, and so on. They’re some basic stuff. “Pardon, we cannot provide anything luxurious for the moment.” you turn around and see Quentin, cackling with a warm smile. This is a different him from before. You wonder… Maybe he’s now more relaxed around you. “Come on, dinner is ready.” you follow him to the dining area, a modest room, not too big or sumptuous but cozy and clean. On the table, Bernieche has prepared a buffalo eye stew and some few more peculiar dish such as corpse worm pudding. But the strange thing is, you see them as appetizing. There is no sense of disgust or displeasure inside you. Later on, you finally realize it is because now you are a demon and no longer human. “Eat up. We need to do a little bit of testing after this.” you gulp, concerned about the words that came from Bernieche’s mouth. “Ahahaha, no worries… no worries... I just want to know what power is buried within you.” You turn your head to Quentin just to hear “you’ll learn how to be a real demon and control magic.” "What is this? Harry Potter?" you thought to yourself.

A/N : There will be a part 4, woohoo! This story will make sense in the next part. A process of Y/N committing revenge.

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