Help The Environment

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Help the Environment

You say that you are, or want to be a pagan--environmentally sound? So, let's do that! By reducing and doing very simple things, your footprint will be less on the planet and mother nature will thank you. Be part of the solution.

Here are a list of things you can do to save money in the long run, and to also be more ecologically sufficient:

Change your Light bulbs to Fluorescent Bulbs

If every household in the United State replaced one regular light bulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.

Turn off Computers at Night

By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year. If you don't want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to work or school.

Do not Rinse Plates Before Putting in the Dishwater

Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you're saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.

Do Not Pre-Heat Oven If Not Pastry/Bread Dish

Unless you are making bread or pastries of some sort, don't pre-heat the oven. Just turn it on when you put the dish in. Also, when checking on your food, look through the oven window instead of opening the door.

Recycle Glass

Recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent. If it isn't recycled it can take a million years to decompose. Every ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of nine gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials.

Use Eco-friendly Diapers for the Tots

By the time a child is toilet trained, a parent will change between 5,000 and 8,000 diapers, adding up to approximately 3.5 million tons of waste in U.S. landfills each year. Whether you choose cloth or a more environmentally-friendly disposable, you're making a choice that has a much gentler impact on our planet.

Hang Clothes in the Clothesline or Rack

Get a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and fit, and you'll save money. Your favorite t-shirt will last longer too.

Go Vegetarian Once a Week

One less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. Because, you have to grow the corn on its own time, feed, and water the cow throughout the cows' life as well. That's a lot of water! You will also also save some trees. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rain-forest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.

Wash Clothes in Cold or Warm Water Instead of Hot

If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day. Only launder when you have a full load.

Use One Less Paper Napkin a Day

During an average year, an American uses approximately 2,200 napkins—around six each day. If everyone in the U.S. used one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year.

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