Chapter 10

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Your Pov 

"Alright very well done m'lady." Sebastian said and Ciel looked bored. I turned and looked over at him.  

"Are you done with your practice problems, young master?" Sebastian asked and Ciel slid his paper to the edge of his desk.  I watched Sebastian pick up his worksheet and began grading it. 

"You missed one." Sebastian said and Ciel looked up at him. 

"Are you kidding me?" Ciel asked in disbelief. 

"You seem to be slacking on your studies, recently you haven't been getting perfect scores." Sebastian noted and tapped the side of his face. 

"Well, I have other things to be dealing with, than some mindless study work." Ciel shouted. I noticed Sebastian look down at him.

"Young master." Sebastian warned and leaned close to his face. 


"If I recall, you have an agenda to accomplish and you hired me to help you.  So, I won't continuing 'helping' you if you slack off or we might as well end our little deal now?" Sebastian said darkly.  'I wonder what there talking about.' I thought. 

"Ok, I'll get back to work." Ciel said and looked away. 

"Great!" Sebastian shouted happily. I watched Sebastian walk away and Ciel turned towards me. 

"Hey, (nickname) How have you been feeling?" Ciel asked curiously. 

"I've been ok, just some headaches. But, that's probably do to stress from all this work Sebastian's been giving us." I laughed and Ciel smirked. I noticed Ciel look off to the side and a frown was plastered on his face. 

"Ciel are you ok?" I asked and he looked at me and sighed. 

"I'm fine, just a little stressed." Ciel replied and I leaned forward. 

"About what?" I asked and Ciel rubbed his face. I got up and walked next to him and crouched down, I grabbed his hand and he looked over at me. 

"You know, you can tell me anything, I can handle it." I replied. 

"But, you can't." Ciel said in a saddened tone and I grabbed his hand harder. 

"Yes, I can, just tell me." I replied. I just wanted to help him anyway that I could. Ciel was so young and I was older than him. It was my responsibility to look after him and yet I haven't been doing a very good job of it. I feel like I'm in the dark, he keeps pushing things deep down inside him.

"No, you can't just leave it at that Y/n." Ciel said and let go of my hand and stood up. I walked behind him and grabbed his shoulder and he flinched. 

"Ciel, I'm just trying to help you,  I feel like your so far away, we used to be so close but, now...." I said. 

"It's better that way. You need to stay far away from me." Ciel said and pushed my hand of his shoulder. He began to walk forward and I clenched my jaw and put my hands into fists. 

"Why won't you talk to me!" I shouted and Ciel looked back at me in shock. I was taught at a very young age, women aren't meant to raise their voices and are supposed to sit still and look pretty, like a porcelain doll. but, I just couldn't take it any longer, I'm so sick of nobody telling me the truth. 


"No, Ciel just shut up for a seconded and listen! Quit telling me to go away and quit pushing away your feelings. Ciel, you are still young, you have a life ahead of you and you act like there's not. You just lock yourself in that damn study and ignore the outside world. I just want, you to tell me the truth! I'm tired about being left in the dark about things, I'm a phantomhive too! I have a right to know these things!" I shouted and Ciel stood there dumbfounded. 

"Y/n,  the truth is-" Ciel started and the doors were burst open by Sebastian wheeling in a cart. 

"Oh my, what's going on in here, I left for 2 minutes and everything got blown up in here." Sebastian sighed.  

"Young master, a letter came in for you today, I'm guessing her highness wanted you to solve another case." Sebastian said and walked over and handed Ciel a letter and bent down to his left ear and whispered something. 

"Right." Ciel said and walked away. 

"Now, as for you young lady, you should refrain from using harsh language." Sebastian warned and began to lecture me. 'I was so close.' I thought and sighed. 

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