Chapter 28

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Your Pov

"Good Morning M'lady." Sebastian said and I rubbed my eyes and saw him smiling. 

"Your awfully chipper this morning?" I replied and Sebastian brought over a box. 

"Well, of course. It is your birthday after all." He replied and handed me the box. 'Right, my birthday. The day the everything ends. Of course he would be happy.' I thought and looked up at him curiously. 

"What's this?" I asked and looked down at the striped ribbon. 

"Think of it as an early birthday present." Sebastian said and went into my wardrobe and pulled out a dress. I pulled at the ribbon and slowly open the small box. 

"A camera?" I asked and traced my finger around the glass lens. 

"Well, how are you supposed to fill your present number two, with photos, if you have nothing to take photos with." Sebastian replied and I let out a small laugh. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I replied and I brought the camera to my face and snapped a picture of Sebastian. I shook the photo and watched it slowly develop, but, all I saw was a black mist. 

"Sorry, to disappoint but, I don't appear in human photography. At Least not fully." Sebastian replied and I sighed. I looked down at me hands and noticed my nails are pitch black. I started to rub my finger nails but, nothing came off.  

"Are you alright?" Sebastian said turning back around to face me. I hid my fingernails in my palms and nodded. I got out of bed and grabbed the corset and walked behind the divider. I slipped out of my dress and placed on my corset, I coversed the rest of my body. Before I stepped out I looked down at my nails one last time. 

"Lady Y/n?" Sebastian asked and I walked out and rubbed the back of my head. 

"Sorry, just lost in thought." I laughed and held on to a nearby chair. I felt Sebastian pull the strings and the corset tighten. I stood back up and slipped into my dress so Sebastian could tie the strings. 

"So, I'm guessing Ana's gone?" I asked and Sebastian paused. 

"Yes, she has no use anymore." he replied in a low voice. I looked down at the floor and then out the window. 

"The weather's nice out today." I said and Sebastian walked over and handed me a pair a gloves. 

"Yes it is." He replied and I put on my gloves. I slipped into my heels and grabbed my camera. I looked down and then backup, I noticed Sebastian look over at me. 

"Don't worry." he replied and walked to the door and opened it. I walked through the door and nodded. We both then headed toward the dining room and met Ciel. 

"Happy Birthday, Y/n." Ciel said and gave a small smile. 

"Thank you." I replied and sat down next to him.  Sebastian then brought over my favorite breakfast food.  I slowly cut it and took a bite and pretended to enjoy it. 

"So, what would you like to do today?" Ciel asked and I hummed. That's when I heard someone screaming. The dining hall door was barged open and Elizabeth appeared. 

"CCCCIEEELLL!" She shouted and tackled Ciel in his chair. 

"Elizabeth, what a surprise." He said and pushed Elizabeth off him. 

"Ciel, call me Lizzy remember?" Elizabeth pouted and Ciel just rubbed his head. 


"What are you wearing?" She asked and I looked down at my dress. 

"Well, it-" 

"It's not cute at all! It's your birthday, you need to wear something colorful!" Elizabeth replied and I took another bite of food. I felt someone grab my hand and noticed it was Ciel. 

"Y/n, can wear whatever she wants today, Elizabeth. It's her birthday after all and not yours." Ciel replied and Elizabeth began to burst out crying.

"B-but, I just wanted to make everything perfect!" She said and wiped her eyes. 

"Please tell me you-" I asked 

"Of course I did, you are always stuck in the house. We are having a party." Elizabeth said and I placed my head on the table. 'I really despise parties.' I thought. 

"As long as there's no clowns, I think it's a good idea." Ciel snickered. I picked me head up and glared at him. 

"Clowns?" Elizabeth questioned and I laughed. 

"Don't worry about it." I replied the party....

"Alright Y/n, close your eye." Elizabeth said. 

"Why does she need to close her eyes, it-" Ciel said and Elizabeth shushed him. 

"Alright, fine I will close them." I replied, I felt Ciel pull me forward and the doors were opened. I opened my eyes. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone shouted and streamers went everywhere. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Thank you everyone." I said. 

"Let's cut the cake." Lau said and everyone looked over. 

"Who invited you?" Ciel asked and Lau shrugged.

"Who knows, isn't that right Ran Mao?" Lau asked and Ran Mao nodded. I walked over and quickly blew out the candles. Sebastian then handed out the cake and I grabbed a plate. I took a piece and tried to remember what (favorite flavor) cake tasted like. 

"Y/n, happy birthday." Edward said and sat down next to me. 

"Do you not like the cake?" Edward asked. 

"No, it's very lovely. I guess I'm not hungry." I laughed and he smiled. 

"Is that a camera?" He pointed and picked up the contraption. I set my plate aside and looked over at him. 

"Yes it is, I thought I would take some pictures, if you wouldn't mind?" I asked. 

"That's a lovely idea! Isn't that right Ciel?" Elizabeth asked while crushing Ciel.

"y-yeah." He replied and Edward and I laughed. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and tons of photos where taken. When it was time to leave I waved goodbye and got into the carriage to head back to the manor.

...later that night...

"So what now?" I asked and Sebastian untied my dress. 

"For now, atleast, your body will completely change, your soul is no longer there. You still will grow for a little longer until you being an adult demon." Sebastian replied.

"So, this was your plan all along? I still don't understand why you did this." I asked and looked down at the floor. 

"Y/n, look at me." Sebastian said and placed his finger under my chin. 

"Despite what you think, I do truly care about you." Sebastian said and his eyes were glowing. I then put my hands into fist. 'I could just leave.' I thought and I heard a deep chuckle. 

"Now where would you get an idea like that, chaton?" Sebastian said and I looked at him in shock. He brushed back a piece of my hair and bright his lips to my right ear. 

"Don't think about going anywhere, because I won't allow you to leave. We are tied together forevermore." He said and I looked up at him. 

That was the moment I realized how deep I truly was tied to him. All because of one choice I made, if only I ran away back then.

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