Chapter 14

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Your Pov 

"What do you mean you can't-" I said and that's when I heard shouting come from outside the room. Before I could finish my thought Sebastian was gone in a flash. Whatever, heaviness I had in my chest was gone.  I then walked over to the mirror and looked down at my collar bone. I moved the black lace down and tried to see if anything was there. 

"There's nothing." I said out loud. 'What is going on?!' I thought and sat down on my bed and leaned forward. 

knock, knock. 

"Hello, lady Y/n, what seems to be the matter?" a familiar voice said and I turned around and saw our old family butler Tanaka. 

"Tanaka?" I asked and he smiled. 

"You should be downstairs with the others, what seems to be troubling you?" Tanaka asked and stood next to me. 

"I feel like I'm lost." I replied and wiped away my stray tears. 

"Chin up, m'lady, a Phantomhive must always stay strong. You know I remember a young female who was scared about the unknown and she ended up marrying a young gentleman, and they had th-" 

"I know Tanaka, I've heard this story before." I replied and Tanaka sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"I highly doubt you remember, but, you ran off in the middle of a snow storm, nearly gave us a heart attack. Your parents were so worried, the late Earl wouldn't stop searching for you. We thought you had been taken but, turns out you were inside the house, fast asleep." Tanaka laughed and I turned facing him in shock. 

"R-really?" I asked and held my head. 

"You know, one thing that would always cheer up the late Earl, he would always say 'Things may be hard right now but, we phantomhives must persevere, to protect the things we care about' " Tanaka said. 

"Dad, it was awful, they were so mean."  I said in tears

"Don't worry Y/n, it will be alright, Things may be hard right now but, we phantomhives must persevere, to protect the things we care about." 

"You right." I laughed and my father rubbed my head.

"Your right! There's no use sitting in here and sulking!" I said and stood up. I looked over at Tanaka and nodded. 

"Thanks, Tanaka. You are a lifesaver." I said and he looked down at my feet.

"Oh and Lady Y/n?" Tanaka said. 

"Yeah?" I asked 

"You should put on some shoes before you go, it's highly unlady like to run about barefoot." Tanaka laughed. 

"Oh your right!" I said and grabbed a pair of stockings and slid them on, then slipping on my black high heels, and bolted out of my room. I walked down the stairs and sped towards the sunroom. 

"You cheated!" Prince Soma shouted and I heard Ciel groan. I peered around the corner and noticed Ciel looking at me, he waved me over. 

"There you are Y/n! we were so worried something happened!" Prince Soma shouted and hugged me. 

"We?" I asked and looked over at Ciel who was blushing in embarrassment. I then smirked and walked over to Ciel. 

"Awww, Ciel, were you worried about me?" I teased and ran over with open arms. 

"N-no I wasn't! Stay back!" Ciel shouted and got out of his chair. I began to laugh and started chasing after him. 

"Oh come Ciel give your big sis a hug." I laughed. 

"Nooo! Leave me alone!" Ciel shouted. 

"I want a hug to!" Prince Soma laughed and began chasing Ciel with me. 

"Not you too?! This is ridiculous!" Ciel shouted and we both laughed. Ciel ran out of the room and started running down the hallway. 

"Ccccciieeeellll" I sang and he kept running. I ended up chasing him until he began to slow down to catch his breath. 

"I-i think she's gone." Ciel wheezed. 

"Got you!" I shouted and tackled him and Ciel let out a shriek. I pulled him into a tight hug and he blushed. 

"Y/n, let go!" Ciel said and I laughed. 

"What's going on down here?" Sebastian asked. 

"Way to go Y/n! You caught the kid!" Prince Soma shouted and Agni looked confused. I looked at Sebastian and looked away. I let go of Ciel and he brushed off his shorts. Sebastian walked over and held out his hand for me to grab but, I ignored his help.  

"Alright let's head back, you owe me a rematch Ciel." Prince Soma shouted and Ciel tsk'd. 

"I have some important business to take care of." Ciel replied. 

"Fine, be that way, how about you Y/n?" Prince Soma pleaded and I caved in. 

"Sure why not?" I replied and looked over at Ciel. 

"Alright fine, if Y/n is going then all play another round." Ciel replied and crossed his arms. 

"Alright let's go." Prince Soma shouted and pulled us along. As I was pulled past Sebastian I felt my body turn cold. Sebastian showed no expression but, somehow I knew exactly what he was feeling. 


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