C.7- dionysus

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Getting ready for dinner was nerve-wrecking. It was the first time I was dressing up in years; I can't even remember the last time I dressed up. All I remember was that I had taken hours to get ready because I had to apply my makeup, which I didn't want to do with my abilities in case I ended up looking like a raccoon.

Today, however, I took the risk of focusing my telekinesis to work on my hair, helping with the curling of my long hair. I didn't bother with make-up, only applying a soft layer of foundation, blush, mascara and eyeliner. I applied a soft nude glitter lip gloss on my lips, and once I was finished, I nodded, happy with my natural lipstick.

I stood up from my vanity stool, waving my hand a little to turn off the curling iron and letting it slowly fall down on the dresser. I flicked the plug off, and walked over to the my wardrobe. Earlier, when I came back, since the boys and their managers had something to do for a while, I immediately placed my new clothes that the boys have so kindly given me. 

I entered the small walk-in closest, the lights flicking on and I looked around. Just yesterday, it was nearly empty and now, it was overflowing with clothes and shoes. I made up my mind to repay the boys for this. 

A particular dress caught my attention, and I walked over to it; it was a soft grey dress, off the shoulders and ended mid way, so that would mean that it ends on my knees. I took it off the hanger, smiling gently as I knew this was the dress I wanted to wear tonight. 

I looked at my selection of shoes and I smiled, grabbing a white pair of stilettos. I walked out of the closet and into my ensuite, stripping and putting on the dress. From downstairs, I could hear the boys talking with each other, which meant that they would be getting ready soon for dinner and that we were going soon. 

I zipped up the dress, flicking my index finger to do it. Looking at myself in the mirror, my heart leaped as this was the first time that I have seen myself look so... elegant. I beamed, grabbing a perfume that I brought from home and spraying it on me. I then walked out of my ensuite, and sat down on my bed, levitating the stilettos to me and putting them on. I wanted to have a little bit of time to practice walking on it, since it's been years since I've worn anything with heels on the bottom of it. 

Standing up, I wobbled a little bit, letting out a small yelp as I fell down first face, but thankfully, I reached my hands out so I can stop my fall. I straightened up once more,  blowing my hair out of my face and pursing my lips in determination. I walked gently and slowly around my room, and soon I was comfortable with it. I beamed, walking over to my window and looking out. I saw small snowflakes falling down, which reminded me to grab a winter coat. 

It snugged me nice and cosy

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It snugged me nice and cosy. I looked at myself at my mirror once more and I noticed something missing. I grabbed a few bobby pins and pinned some of my hair to the back, framing my face. To top it all off, I conjured a blue string. I made my two index fingers pinch themselves against my thumbs, as I controlled my telekinesis to the string and I did a bow with my small ponytailed hair that I bobby pinned to frame my face. 

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