Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations

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(With this, we have five chapters left of this series! I'm going to miss writing this one! This was so much fun! I can't wait for my two prequels and the sequels! Speaking of a prequel, that might come sooner than we all think considering the released the trailer for the English translation of the Great Ace Attorney! Now, we just need the investigations Series translated! Also, if you all think I spelled Sherlock as Herlock, there is a reason for everything! Enjoy!)

(Makoto's POV)

Wright Anything Agency, Main Lobby

November 2nd, 2:15 PM

After Athena's trial, we've been handling cases left and right together and doing pretty well. Either way, now that I am the Ultimate Defense Attorney, I am allowed to take on cases! Well, I could take cases before, but now I can do it with by myself! Though, I have to give Mr. Wright the letter.

"Another case where we found the truth! Even if I have to lose to Klavier" Apollo said as he entered the room.

"Sometimes that is how it goes. The defense must lose sometimes. Just like when I lost my first case" Mr. Wright said entered the room.

Ah, perfect timing!

"Hey Mr. Wright! My school has a letter for you" I said warmly as I handed it to him.

"A bit old fashion, but not bad!" Mr. Wright said as he took the letter from me.

He opened it to examine the letter to see what it was about.

"Wow! This is quite an honor" he said amazed and pretty proud of himself.

"What is it, boss?" Athena asked eagerly as she heard happiness coming from his heartbeat.

"It looks like Hope's Peak Academy wants me and my employees to attend a dinner party. It looks like they want to celebrate all of our hard work and have us teach the other students about the law as well!" Mr. Wright said in a happy voice.

Athena cheered in delight while Apollo's jaw dropped.

"Kyoko even gave a few letters to the Acting Prosecutor and even some members of the Investigation Corp" I said in delight.

"Whoo! It sounds like a party! I can't wait! Oh! Do you think I could bring Pearls and Iris?" Maya asked eagerly as she clapped her hands in delight.

"I don't see why not. I think it will be fun" Mr. Wright said just as his phone buzzed.

He took it out and answered it with a brighter smile on his face.

"Ah Professor Layton. Nice to hear from you again. What does the famous professor want with my lawyer team? An awesome defense attorney to help your kids and the Yard with a case?" Mr. Wright asked with a grin.

"Aha. Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Wright. I was just calling to let you know that my family will be coming over. We would love to see you and Mr. Edgeworth again if you don't mind" the professor said with a grin as his wife joined his side.

Wow! This is something. I didn't know the Laytons were coming! What kind of party is this? I wonder why the school wanted them to come. Don't get me wrong, I love them, and they were a huge help in the Turnabout of Points. Still, they live in Galar. I don't know, something seems odd about this.

"Hm?" Apollo asked himself surprised.

"What's up?" Athena asked him as he shook his head.

"Nothing. I just have to head out. Looks like something came for me from home. I've got to check it out. I'll see you guys later!" Apollo said excitedly as he took his phone and ran out of the room.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now