Dear Poetry

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Dear Poetry,
You fall through my fingers and my pen
The moments where my heart fails to express.
You endeavour to fathom my pain
Even when I face the worsts of distress.
You stay with me like a shadow of my own
Even when the people leave me alone.
You calm me and you wipe my tears
I find my strength in the words of yours.
To survive in this world full of fears.

Dear Poetry,
The dark days when I felt useless
You landed as beautiful rhymes and phrases
You rendered me to find a ray of light
On a moonless, dark and nasty night.

When at first, love crossed my paths
I filled you in with all the secret parts.
And then, when, I was left broken
You depicted my sorrow that remained Unspoken.

Dearest Poetry,
You are a blessing, straight from heaven.
I hope you will stay by my side
Twenty four by seven.


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