Kapitel eins

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A/N: Welcome! I've been wanting to write something like this for ages so here you go! Now I have something to do every chapter, I've written the chapter number in a different language each time and you have to figure out which language it is! Good luck and don't use google translate. 😂


Right, first off this is NOT a diary. Ugh they're gross all this 'dear diary' stuff really gets on my nerves. The reason why I'm writing this is because my teacher-slash-father-slash-enemy (sort of) has told me to write a report on what happened this term and that's quite a lot. Ugh my fingers are going to hurt after this. Anyway, here it is.

As I walked into the crowded vestibule my eyes scanned the crowed as if I belonged there. Just as usual I had a new City, new foster parents and a new school.

"Don't make yourself comfortable Amaya. You won't be here for long," I said to myself. This is the problem with being an undercover agent. You move around a lot, meet new people, make new friends. But if you get attached... well you are as good as dead. This line of work needs people to act hard but think harder.

"Ahh Miss Williams, how nice of you to join us this term," I turned around to see a beautiful woman standing behind me with her hands in her pockets. She looked 40 but 20 at the same time. Her hazel eyes staring at my blue ones as though she were trying to see into my soul. I assumed this was Mrs Robinson, the headmistress. The one I had to watch. The one that I needed to kill.

"Are your parents here to wave you off?" she started looking through the crowds.

"They're not my parents," I said firmly.

"Oh, well would you come to my office please, I would like to have a little chat," she smiled and turned on her heal towards the staircase. I started following her. The corridor we walked down had a Victorian feel to it but was still plainly modern. 

Once we had reached the end there was a room labeled 'Headmistress' shocker, I know. When stepping in, the air felt warmer and the office looked comfortable.

"Have a seat," she pointed at the couch opposite the desk, "inform me if I'm wrong but you used to attend Miss Gizem's academy for spies?" that's right, headmistress Robinson was a spy too. "and you moved because..." her words drifted away, "you put a fellow classmate in a coma".

"Yes that's right," I looked up at her, "Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, no of course not, in fact we encourage you to practice your skills here." There was a knock at the door.

"Mum, you said you needed me?" A girl walked through the door. If she hadn't said 'mum' then I would've thought that the teacher and the girl were siblings. Her brown hair fell over her shoulders and her hazel eyes watched me cautiously. I glared back. "Who's this?"

"Hi darling, this is Amaya Williams she will be sharing yours and the girls' room."

"What?! It's already crowded as it is, and we don't want to give up our reading corner!" she moaned. I rolled my eyes at her and she just gave me the dirtiest look back.

"Chelsey! Don't be so rude and you don't have a say in it. Now take her to your room." she smiled at me, "I hope you enjoy your time here."

"I will, thank you miss." I smiled and leave the room with her daughter. Obviously I wasn't going to enjoy it here.


"Watch it!" Chelsey screamed as a small child walked into her, "do you know who I am?! I can destroy you and your future with just one-"

"Hey!" I grabbed her arm and ran in front of the kid so they didn't get hurt, "Don't. you. dare." I said through gritted teeth. I let go of her and carried on walking down the corridor even though I had no idea where I was going. When I glanced round to see if Chelsey was following me I saw her stick her middle finger up at me then quickly regret it when she saw me looking. I just laughed.


As we walked into the dormitory I saw five beds but only one other person was here. When she looked up from the magazine she was reading she just sighed, her brown hair covering her face and her makeup on point.

"Hi, I'm Jess. Who are you?" she looked back at her magazine as if she really didn't care who I was.

"Umm I'm Amaya."

"Oh. That's nice" It wasn't really nice.

"Well I'm going down to dinner anyone want to join me." she didn't even wait for someone to say yes she just left.

"Well that was weird..." I said to no one in particular.

"She's weird, I'm going downstairs. Put your stuff away and then come too, it's a roast tonight as its the first night back. Oh and stay away from me." Chelsey fake smiled at me and left. 

I went over to the bed in the far corner that didn't look like anyone used it. 

"I guess I'm going to be here then." 

This school was going to take some getting used to.


A/N: So here's the first chapter, I hope you like it! :)

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