Κεφάλαιο τρίτο

21 1 2

A/N: Hi! Sorry this is up late. I have no idea how I'm going to write this chapter so if it's weird then sorry but I'm not very good at putting what happens in this chapter into words :)

Guesses for the language here: 


As we walked down the ancient corridors I noticed that all the others were looking cautious as if there was going to be something that would cause trouble when we turned a corner. 

"Hey, what are you guys looking out for?" I asked before Jess spun round and put her finger to her mouth to tell me to shut up (I mean- RUDE!).

"We're not meant to be going this way," Lauren whispered, "about 20 years ago this school used to have girls and boys in the same building but the teachers got fed up of having to write to parents that their kids got pregnant so they split us all up. The boys on the east side of the school, the girls on the west."

"Oh..." I wasn't really surprised the same thing happened to my friends at the agency's last schools. 

"But we did find a way to them so every couple nights we meet up with four of them in one of the towers that connect the two halves of the school together. We're almost there!" Lizzie piped up. 

"And you don't get caught?" 

"Well of course not we go to a school for spies we're trained for this kind of thing," Liegha smiled.

"Shut up or we will get caught!" Jess whisper shouted. 


When we had reached the top of some stairs I could hear voices coming from a trap door above us. 

"This year's going to be great," I heard a deep voice of a boy, "We'll pull the best pranks that have ever been created. We'll piss off the teachers as much as we can and we'll find the rest of the secret corridors in this ancient school!"

There were cheers of agreement. I turned to see Jess put her index finger to her mouth. I could see her lips moving and read it as 'we're going to scare them'.

Liegha slowly moved her hands higher into the air and placed them underneath the trap door. She slowly lifted the plank of wood and slid it to the side.

"3-2-1- HELLO LOSERS!" Jess shouted.

"AGH YOU IDIOTS! WHY WOUD YOU DO THAT?" shouted a boy who looked like he'd just seen a ghost. He was about 5'9 with blonde hair and blue eyes almost like me. He look vaguely familiar but I couldn't place where from. 

"It's good to see you too. Now move we have someone to introduce," Lizzie stepped through the doorway and shoved the boy to the side. This gave me enough room to spot the other three who were sitting down in a circle. One of them had bright ginger hair and beautiful hazel eyes. The other two both had black hair but one had green eyes, one had blue, but the other thing they had in common was their grin. 

"Liz! I missed you why didn't you answer my calls!" The dark haired blue eyed boy ran up to Lizzie and picked her up causing her to squeal with delight as he swung her round.

"I'm sorry Theo, I was going to tell you but my mum took me on a surprise op to Paris where we had to keep the mayor safe while she went travelling and visiting hospitals of sick kids. Then I lost your number," she sighed, "I really missed you though."

"Hey! Quieten down love birds who's this person you bought?" The blonde boy piped up.

"Oh um, I'm Amaya and I'm new here."

"Yeah no shit sherlock. I'm Freddie but everyone calls me Fred, so call me Fred or I will hunt you down." He just grinned as if it was the most amazing thing you could say to anyone who was new at your school (which it totally wasn't). 

"Hey, I'm Jake and this is Riley." the green eyed boy said. He pointed to the ginger. 

"Hey, just to let you know, I am gender fluid so get used to using a lot of different pronouns." the ginger smiled as they shook my hand, "It's nice to meet you!"

"Oh hey!" I started to regret my decision to be the person on the mission here. These people were all so nice and didn't even look cautious about welcoming me into their group.

"What are your pronouns for today?" Lauren asked.

"He/they please," Riley answered.

"So, who's ready for this year?" Liegha asked with a grin.

"Damn right we are!" Fred grinned back. "It's gonna be awesome!"

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