Awaken Me

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~Tony's POV~

Vic liked her... It was obvious, although unusual. Vic has had a lot of rough relationships, and he doesn't flirt as much as he used to. He doesn't let very many girls past his walls.

As he came back into the lounge from the bunk area, I gave him a look that told him 'I know what you're up to.' and he sat down on the couch.

"When are the rest of the guys coming back with her friend?" Vic asked me.

"Its like looking for a needle in a ha--"

My phone cut me off from a call from Jaime. "Hello?"

"It didn't take as long as we thought but we found her." Jaime said over the phone.

"That's great." I said.

"We'll be there in like five minutes."

"Alright. Bye." I said.

"Adios, amigo!" Jaime yelled through the phone. I laughed and hung up.

I looked at Vic. "I spoke too soon." I said with a laugh.

"That kind of sucks, she just fell asleep." He said, looking worried.

I gave him another weird look and he just looked at me like, 'What?' .

Five minutes later, Mike came through the door, followed by a girl with gorgeous hazel eyes and light brown, almost blonde hair. Then Jaime last. The girl looked really exited. I remember the girl mentioning her friend.. I think her name was Chad? Saying she was a big fan. That's probably why...

"You can sit anywhere, nobody's gonna bite." Jaime said, motioning to both of the couches.

She took a seat on my side of the couch, closest to me. She looked around, smiling wildly, bouncing he knees up and down.

"So, what's your name?" Vic asked her.

"Oh, um, its Chad.." She said, stuttering.

"I heard you're a fan." Vic said, kind of teasing her, I could tell she was kind of embarrassed by that.

"Oh, um, yeah." She said, trying to avoid eye contact.

I laughed a little, "You're more nervous then your friend, Chad." I said. She turned her head to face me and gave me a smile, and so did I. This girl was very pretty.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"You apologize just the same." Vic said, laughing,

"So umm... Where is Stella?" She asked, looking around at all of us.

"She wanted to sleep, so she's in my bunk, sleeping." Vic said, with a smile.

Chad seemed kind of surprised by this answer, and I knew she was thinking, 'Oh my god my best friend is sleeping in Vic Fuentes's bed." I smiled at the thought.

"You guys wanna show her around? I'll go try to wake Stella up.." Vic trailed off, and we all got up.

Me and the boys all lead Chad out of the bus to show her the bands' side of the park, while Vic went into the bunk area to wake Stella up.

~ Vic's POV ~

I opened the door quietly and went over to my bunk. I moved back a little bit of the fabric to see if she was already awake, but she wasn't.

She looked so cute, she had the covers bunched up by her face, covering her mouth. I looked at her wrist and frowned in disappointment. Underneath her bracelets were series' of white lines. I couldn't see how deep they were because her bracelets were covering them.

I reached for her hand and extended it, making sure she wouldn't wake up. I moved her bracelets away to see many, many, long, deep, white scars. It made me sad.

I looked back at her face to see her looking back at me, her eyes filled with tears. It startled me at first, but I was hit with a pang of sympathy.

"Come here.." I said, taking her by the hand and getting her out of the bunk. I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel her weakness in my arms. She began to cry.

"What would make such a girl like you want to do this to herself?" I asked her.

"Everything." She responded. "Everything is wrong." She was shaking in my arms.

I picked her up bridal style as she cried into my chest.. I felt like I needed to comfort her. Like it was my job. I walked her back into the lounge and sat her on the couch.

"Tell me." I said. Sitting cross legged next to her, faced towards her. She did the same.

"M-My sister... She committed suicide when she was fourteen. She never said goodbye.. All she left was a note for me, not my parents. I still haven't told them about the note. The note said.. 'Know not to make the mistakes I did, and know that I will always be with you. Don't let your demons get to you. You are pure, don't let them get the best of you.' .." She trailed off between gasps for breath. I put my hands around hers and listened. "Everyone bullies me at college for how I dress, what I listen to, my problems. They pick at me until they find a sweet spot. Now I know what my sister meant when she said 'Demons'..."'Follow your sisters footsteps, you know you want to, emo.' that's what they'd say. Sometimes it got the best of me. Most of the time. I gave up a lot of the things I loved to do. Like.. singing.." She laughed a little. "Yeah I know it sounds stupid, I couldn't even sing..." She said.

"Don't doubt yourself.." I said.

She wouldn't look at me, I could still feel her shaking in my palms. She looked so fragile.. So broken.. It just made me want to hold her. I didn't want her to leave, I felt something about this girl..

"Stay.." I said.

"What...?" She said, confused.

"Stay here tonight, your friend can stay too. We can all get to know each other, and party." I said, she looked up in fear.

"Oh no.. I couldn't do that."

"It'll be okay, Stella, I swear, I won't leave your side." I said.

She looked at me hesitantly. "This is crazy." She said, looking up at the ceiling and wiping tears from under her eyes.

"We're all crazy, you don't have to worry about a thing." She looked up at me and I smiled at her.

"... Fine, I guess. Chad's gonna freak." She said, laughing a little.

"I'll let Tony tell her, you should have seen the way they looked at each other earlier." I said with a laugh.

I took her by the hand and led her out of the bus door.

I don't know how I'm supposed to let her go, I'm already too attached.

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