Sing This Lonely Melody

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~Tony's POV~

I went downtown with Chad, Charlie, and Jaime.

The whole time we were walking, something felt weird.

I kept looking behind us every couple minutes because I felt this way, but nothing seemed weird.

Whenever I looked at her she was bouncing her phone in her hands anxiously, nervously..

We hadn't been anywhere outside since we met Charlie, just out of laziness.

We were walking into a Starbucks and I immediately got a sense of chills, and to keep whatever is close to me, closer then before. Something was horribly wrong.

"What's wrong?" I looked down to see Chad looking up at me, confused on why I had been looking furiously around the coffee shop.

"Nothing." I replied quick and put my arms around her, still glancing around.

After they ordered whatever they wanted, I didn't order because I had a monster anyway, we sat down, but Chad put just set her coffee on the table and began to walk away.

"Where are you going..?" I said to her, confused, as she looked over he shoulder and smiled.

"Just to the bathroom, I'll be right back." She said with a smile.

I let out a sigh and sunk into my seat once she disappeared from my sight. Something wasn't right, and I didn't want her to leave.

Little did I know I should have trusted my gut.

~Chad's POV~

I didn't need to use the bathroom, I just needed to check my phone.

Little did I know I wouldn't come back for awhile.

I don't remember much but a guy with a black hat on, his face was so familiar, but I couldn't put a name to it.

I remember walking into the small hallway leading to the bathroom, about to push the door but being grabbed around my waist and my mouth.

Breathing in to let out a scream, I was met with a strong odor and a wave of drowsiness.

Black splotches patched my vision and I drifted into unconsciousness as the man dragged my body away.


When I woke up, there was a pounding in my head and my body ached and throbbed.

I opened my heavy eyes and looked around. I was in a room with concrete walls, a small lamp in the corner, a tall stool, a toilet, and a exposed mattress laying on the floor, where I was laying.

The door was closed and evidently locked.

It was cold, and I was without a jacket or a blanket.

Where the hell am I?

How long was I out cold?

Who took me?

How long will I be here?

Will I ever come back?

Where is Tony..?

The more scenarios that ran through my head, the faster my heart ran.

The door was pushed open with a creaking noise.

I pulled my feet up and held them close to my chest, sliding back until I hit the cold, hard wall. I started to shake, not knowing who it was.

The person stepped into the light. "I told you I'd find you." He said in a low, husky voice.

Shivers ran down my spine at the sight of his face.

He ran a hand through his long, dirty blonde hair. His piercing blue eyes were laced with red, and bags hung heavily under them.

I held my knees harder against my chest and pressed even harder into the wall, as if it would give way and I could run free away from him again.

I looked at him over my knees, I didn't move, as my eyes filled with tears and one escaped down my cheek.

"Awwww, don't cry." He said with a smile that could fool almost anybody, not me.

"Burn in hell." I said with anger.

He narrowed his eyes at me. He took two quick steps towards me, I braced myself, but he was too quick.

He grabbed me by my ankles and laid me down on the bed, pinning me down by my wrists.

"I wouldn't try saying something like that again, because you're practically in the palm of my hands." His icey blue eyes cut like a knife.

I was faced with a lack of oxygen and words, I couldn't say anything.

"Like I could do anything I wanted to you.." He said, moving his head down to my neck, I could feel his hot breath close to my skin, I tensed up and gasped with trauma.

I felt him smile against my skin, "You're not as strong as you act, honey."

Just as fast as he came, he left; with a slam of the door.

I recollected the only sanity I practically had left in me, and curled up on the empty mattress. It was cold and uncomfortable.


I'm back bitches.

I don't know if I've said this before but Chad is actually a real person but NO she did not ever get raped NO.


New chapter real soon.

I hit some writers block and I finally gained up the courage to sit down and say "Danielle, get your shit together."

Thank you for 8,000 reads <3 3rd on the Pierce The Veil tag, too <3


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