Black At Noon

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~Stella's POV~

"Wow," Vic said as he placed his hand on my tattoo. "It looks so real.. Did it hurt too bad?"

"Yeah, of course. But honestly, I fell asleep a couple times." I said, laughing a little.

"But, what made you get the tattoo? There's got to be some meaning behind it other then just looks." He said, as I pulled my shirt back down.

Tears swam to the brim of my eyes and dared to fall down my cheek as I remembered. My back was still facing him, so he couldn't see me. I stayed silent.

"... You don't have to tell me." He said, understanding it was something personal.

"But, I wan to tell you, I trust you..." I said, nervously.

"Okay then," He said, sitting back down in the chair we had on the balcony, it was where we spent most of our time now.

I sat down too, refusing to look at him. "My sister took her life in anger and fury, not cowardice and loneliness. She was mad that the world was full of such horrible people, and she didn't want to live on such a selfish world anymore. It wasn't that she couldn't stand it anymore or nobody liked her." Vic looked at me with heartbreak. "When she left, there was a humongous storm, the biggest one in four years. It tore trees down, the sky was black at noon, and shattered windows. I sat awake for the two days, crying. I knew that this was her payback for everything everyone did to her that drove her to this point, and I knew part of it was for me, and for everyone. Now, I just can't handle storms. I feel like it's still her, giving the world a taste of its own medicine." I said, as one tear escaped my hold and dropped into my hands.

"What was her name..." Vic asked, with a grim tone.

"Adalia." I said, more tears falling with the sound of her name.

"You're so strong. You lost a sibling, I don't even know what I would do without Mike." He said, holding his hands together and looking at the cement floor of the balcony.

"I'm not. I've let her down, I've betrayed her, she told me to be stronger then them but I was weak!" I said, raising my voice, mad at myself.

"It doesn't make you weak to have a different outlet to pain." He said, looking at my bracelets.

"She would be mad at me, she would be disappointed." I said, putting my face in my hands and crying more.

"You don't know that." He said, standing up and placing me in his lap.

"She was my sister, of course I do!!!" I said, breaking into hysterical crying.

He didn't talk any longer, he just held me until I fell asleep.


~Chads' POV~

'You can't hide from me much longer, dear.'

The message on my phone luminated my face in the dark room. It was three in the morning and I got a text message from a "000-000-0000" number.

'Um, who's this?' I replied to the text.

'You'll find out soon enough.'

"What's wrong?" I heard a sleepy voice say, as Tony sat up in bed from where I was sleeping, looking at me sat on the edge of the bed with my phone.

"Oh, nothing. Just my mom." I lied, turning my phone off and putting it back on charge.

Who was this unknown number and why was he texting me in the middle of the night creepy things? I didn't know the answer to that and I didn't want to find out.

I went back to the comfort of Tonys' sheltering arms and fell asleep thinking it was just a teenage troll, picking a random number.


~Vic's POV~

I woke up to something tickling my nose, I opened my eyes and saw Hiccup sitting on my chest, an inch away from my face, close enough her whiskers were brushing my nose.

I made a silent laugh, knowing it was morning and Stella was probably sleeping right next to me, but she wasn't. She was standing in our bathroom with the door open, her hands placed on the sinks' counter, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

I didn't know why she was doing this. Her eyes were red and puffy from yesterday, and she looked like a mess.

She looked her reflection up and down, in almost disappointment.

I shifted in the bed and her attention was put on me. She looked surprised that I was awake.

I got up with Hiccup in my arms and walked towards her. "What's wrong, why are you up so early?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing," She said, and pushed past me and out of our room, down the stairs.


Sorry that this is kind of a chapter with just three little parts, I didn't know what else to do, plus I needed to get some foreshadowing in there.


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