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Just like that a week went by and every day.
I was at the dorm visiting but I made sure to leave early just so I could hook up with someone.
I didn't need Valentine suspecting anything.
Thanks to Ziggy.
He was allowing me to have friends, but if he found out how often I was here.
He may end up trying to put his foot down.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I heard Abel question as I went down on the other inside the bedroom.
He was the main one I feasted on when something excited me.
And thankfully.
He didn't have feelings for me.
He just wanted to have sex.
And I was perfect for it.

I wanted to concentrate on making him come but when he was talking.
It was hard.
I pulled the other out of my mouth and stared at him while massaging the other who's brows knitted in response.
"Is what okay? Me hanging out with you guys or-"
"Not being paid for it." He cut me off and I paused but smirked softly.
"I get paid at the end of the day before I meet with my boss, I mean I actually enjoy sleeping with you while not thinking about how much I'm getting at the end of the day." I dropped my basketball shorts and crawled on top of him.
"Plus, I like the fact we're closer to age. I really got tired of the old guys." I commented bringing my lips to his before slipping my tongue in.

"What's he like?" Abel tossed me over onto my back pressing into me as I let out a soft moan.
"Your boss." He smirked.
I blinked but hooked my arms around his neck as he began to thrust.
"H-He's usually chill unless you've somehow managed to embarrass him, then he gets violent." I clung to the other kissing his neck.
"Like Rocky's brothers boss?"
"Not like her, she has no self control when it comes to violence. My boss thinks his way of punishment is more beneficial to us understanding better. He isn't a fan of being mean but when we cross the line forgetting who we are, he reminds us." I moaned as he rubbed the same spot over and over.

"You never answered Mitch's question the other day before Santana ruined the mood, can't you get out?" He asked.
I smiled softly.
"I think it's nice how much you guys are concerned, but I can't get out." I pushed him back before looking at my wrist.
"My boss owns me, we can't just walk up and tell them we quit." I smirked with knitted brows.
"Our tattoos are supposed to be burned or our hands are cut off, what we've done is just signed a deal with the devil." I said leaning towards the other kissing him and he frowned at that.

"Maybe we can burn it off then?"
"Not this again." I slid off the bed reaching for my shirt but the door swung open and there stood.
Mitch with Rocky.
Both wide eyed.

Abel threw a sheet over me but it only slid off.
"Did you guys forget I'm also a guy?" I questioned throwing the sheet back at Abel's face.

My attention fell on Mitch and Rocky before arching a brow at the two of them.
"What is it-"
"The pizza's here." Mitch said tightly and I blinked but smirked amused as I slowly put my shirt on then grabbed my boxers next.

"It took two of you to come tell us?" I smirked softly.
Rocky grinned in response to that.
"Mitchie is hiding from Santana, she thinks he's in the bathroom but here we are." He told us.

Abel handed me my jeans arching a brow at Mitch.
"If you're having to hide from her, isn't that a sign you guys won't last as a married couple?" He questioned and suddenly that jealous feeling returned.
And so did the frown that spread out across my face.
Unfortunately for me.
Both Abel and Rocky noticed before Mitch even had the chance.

"I want to make it work, she's a go-"
"If you say she's a good person I'm going to puke." Rocky commented with an arched brow.
"Mitchie, there is nothing good about Santana Clark, she was raised on a pedestal her whole life, she expects and she expects. And if somethings wrong, she'll turn into a bitch about it. I mean look how she treats Morgan, all because he works for his money and sleeps with strangers." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes but took a seat on the edge of the bed next to Abel whos eyes were already on me.

"So her personality is shit-"
"Would you want your children around a woman like that? Mitchie, it's toxic." Rocky frowned at him.
"I can't just leave her though! We've planned this since we were kids, you know this-"
"But did you know she was going to become some asshole who's mean to your friends? Mitchie I am saying this as your friend, because I love you and would hate to see you go. But if you actually get married to that girl downstairs? We won't be friends anymore." Rocky told him.

"Whoa, Rocky." Abel got to his feet with a deep frown.
"That's too far-"
"No it's not, tolerating how unhappy you are with her, is too far. It's obvious you don't love Santana, so why keep defending her and not find someone better?" Rocky questioned.
Mitch stood there before frowning.

"The pizza is getting cold." He said stepping out of the room.
"And like always, he dodges the bullet." Rocky's arms were crossed with his back to us, and it was obvious he was upset about this.
I've only known these guys for a week so far.
And they were all so easy to read.
Rocky wore his emotions on his shoulder.
So his filter was always off.

"Well," Abel rubbed his hands together.
"Let's go chow down before Nathan and the others eat it all." He said getting to his feet.
"Hold it." Rocky's eyes were on me.
"I can't pretend I didn't see how you reacted to the fact Mitch and Santana getting married, and Abel don't play dumb or I'll kick you." He said and Abel blinked but his eyes fell on me.

"Are you actually jealous that you don't have Mitch's attention?" Rocky asked with an arched brow and I blinked but my face grew warm.
"No, that's not i-"
"Oh come on don't lie, I'm not going to run down there and expose you." Rocky smirked.
"You both don't know it but when the other isn't looking, the opposite is already staring. It's cute but weird seeming that Mitch is straight." Rocky walked up to me, his chest brushing mine.

"So I want to know, do you think Mitch is trapped in the closet or are you just stubborn thinking you'll win the impossible?" He asked me.
I frowned deeply.
"When I first saw him, I actually wanted to know how he was in bed, but now that I see what he deals with when it comes to Santana. I want to distract him from that, even if it means breaking them up." I said.
"What happens if you break them up and he finds another girl?"
"Then I'll back off if she's a lot better for him, but I do think he may be a little trapped." I explained.

Rocky smirked softly.
"I feel like we should distract those two then don't you guys? They're like magnets, you pull too far and the connection is lost. But if you keep them close to bay, they're bound to find each other and connect again. No one in this room wants that to happen, so what we'll do is have a guys night and if Santana tries to worm her way into joining. I'll make sure she doesn't-"

"But anytime Santana is told to leave, Mitch follows like a puppy." We all turned to the door where Nathan and Reggie Collins were.

"That's where I come in." Rocky smirked at his boyfriend.
"I have no problem hurting her feelings, but I refuse to watch Mitchie abandon his friends for a bitchy girlfriend who likes to guilt him into getting her way." His arms were crossed walking up to Nathan who stared down at him.
"What happens if Mitch gets pissed at you for hurting her feelings? He got in your face last week for slapping her-"
"But he didn't do anything." Rocky smirked up at the other.
"Mitchie is a bit of a soft boy if you catch my drift, he may try to talk up a fight. But he never swings his fist, he likes to attack with words and if pushed in the right direction, he'll really hurt you with his words." Rocky stepped back from Nathan before his eyes fell on me.

"And I like you Morgan I really do, so that's why I don't want to see this hurt you, but what's really confusing me is." His brows knitted.
"Aren't you supposed to be a prostitute? I thought you couldn't date?"
"We can't." I frowned.
"But if for some reason I managed to win Mitch,"
Rocky smirked softly with an arched brow.
"I'd burn my tattoo." I said staring at my wrist and Abel made a face.

"You really like him don't you?"
"I can't say I do or not, but watching him take her shit is what ruins it for me. He's a guy, he isn't supposed to let girls talk shit about their friends then defend the girl but not the other. It's fucked up." My arms crossed.

"So I want them to break up." I said.
Rocky smirked at that.
"Good, we're all in the same boat then. Let's go eat." He said walking out of the room.

I stared at it for the longest time.
As a kid we could never afford it and living at the shelter, we dealt with what we could afford.
I mean pizza always smelled good, greasy but good.
And here I was.
At a table with new friends and trying to understand where to start.
They all were biting from the pointy end.
But still..

Abel glanced to me.
"Something wrong?"
"I've never had pizza before." I said with a troubled expression.
Everyone stopped and I was surprised when Santana actually had a shocked expression on her face.

"You've never had pizza before?" Amber repeated looking to the others and I frowned.
"We couldn't afford things like pizza as a kid and when I ran away at fourteen, I was practically at deaths door from starvation. That's when my boss found me and took me to the shelter, but even then. No one's ever brought home pizza and even though I can afford it, I've never thought about trying it." I explained.

"That is the saddest shit I have ever heard." Nathan took a bite of the pizza.
"Well, here's your chance to try it." Rocky grinned at me and I stared at it before taking a bite.
And it was like a whole new flavor of food I haven't tried.
It was greasy but I liked it a lot.
It was soft and hot.

"Good?" Abel grinned softly with curious eyes and I nodded trying not to scarf it down.
I'd have to tell Joel and the others about trying pizza for the first time.
Maybe I'll buy us some for tonight.
Surely it doesn't cost a lot.

"Oh by the way, we're having a guys night tonight." Rocky spoke up and the girls at the table looked up at him frowning.
"Why is it guys night? You got a problem with girls being there?" Santana asked him glaring.
Rocky looked at her.
"Guys are allowed to have guy time without their chicks glued to them." He told the other.
"Okay and what does that say about you and Nathan then?" She countered.
"Well for starters, I'm still a guy." Rocky smirked deviously at her.

"It won't kill you to stay away from the guys for a few hours, we're allowed to breathe." He shrugged.
Santana arched a brow and her eyes locked on me.
"Is the prostitute invited?"
"He's our friend and a guy, so yes." He smiled at her.

"Then we're coming, if you're allowing a whore then you can allow girlfriends-"
"I think I said no?" Rocky arched a brow and Santana glared harshly.
"Who died and made you think you speak for everyone at this table? Tell him I'm allowed to come Mitchie." She looked at the other who was wiping his mouth and frowned at Rocky, irritated he was put on the spot.
His eyes fell on Santana who smiled at him.

"It's just for a few hours." He said at last and her eyes were wide.
"A-Are you fucking kidding, Mitchie? Where you go, I go!"
"Does that mean you sit on his lap when he's taking a shit?" Nathan arched a brow.
"Because that's a bit much for a couple." He smirked.

Santana's face molted red.
"Okay fine, if I can't come. Neither can Mitchie-"

"That's actually up to him to decide, not you princess." I found myself saying after taking a drink of the coke beside me.
I swear it was like she snapped her neck looking at me.
"Excuse you whore? Your opinion isn't valid, see we're a package deal. If one isn't invited the other can't go, even dumb ass sluts know-"
"No, that's not right." I cut her off and she growled in response.
"That's called possessive not to mention controlling, I might be some whore who opens my legs to strangers on the street and get paid for it. But I know what a healthy relationship is and what isn't." I cleared my throat.

"And like Rocky said, it's a guys night. So needy little girlfriends can have a girls night where they do their nails or complain about whores being around their boyfriends." I smiled right at her and the fork she held for the salad, snapped.

Just as she was about to respond.
The only thing we heard was Rocky laughing.
Santana's eye twitched staring at the teen who looked back at me.
"This is WHY I like you." He grinned.
"You're like me and Amber, our filters don't exist when it comes to Santana." He smirked at the black haired female who was glaring at Mitch.

"You're not going to go without me are you?" She asked him.
We all stared at Mitch.
"Of course not." He smiled at her.
"Rocky, surely you can let her-"

"No." Rocky arched a brow and Mitch frowned at him.
"Rocky, she's my girlfriend-"
"No shit Mitchie, but I think it's called a guys night for a reason. We want you there, honestly? Space will do you some good." He said with a shrug.
Santana glared.
"Who are you to decide if we need space or not-"
"I think I'm Rocky Torres, the guy that just decided you need space. Once the two of you get married, he'll be all yours and I won't be in the picture." He smiled and Mitch's expression fell.
"Rocky, that's too far-"
"Nope, it's not. I don't like Santana Mitch, I don't care if she knows or not. I'm not one to lie about my feelings towards people, and I'd like to hang out with you for a few hours without clingy ass girls." He stated.

The air was tense and no one knew how to make Rocky stop.
He really was laying it out on the table thick.

"Mitchie?" Santana looked at Mitch and he ran a hand through his hair sighing softly.
"He's right Santana, once we're married. I'll be all yours, but for right now. I'm going to have a guys night with them, without you-"

"God you're such a fucking ass, Mitch!" She jumped up from the table holding her plate of pizza and Rocky definitely had the expression he won.
"Don't be like that Santana, you'll see me tomorrow-"
"Oh shut up, I won't want to hear it. You want to hang out with the guys and a whore so bad? Go for it, don't let me stop you." She walked right up to me.

"But it's still early in the day and I'm sick of being in the same room as you, so I think it's about time you go to that homeless shelter of yours." She shoved the plate of pizza to my chest smearing it on my white shirt.
"Don't you?" She smiled.

"You fucking bitch." Rocky growled getting up nearly launching himself across the table but Mitch was fast to the hit.
He actually slapped her.
Just like Rocky the other day, same side of the face too.

"That was childish and uncalled for." Mitch frowned at her and her eyes grew wide grabbing my coke and threw it right at him.
"You wanna hit me? YOUR GIRLFRIEND? Fuck you, fuck everyone! You can come apologize later Mitch, but I don't want to see your stupid face for the rest of the day. I'm calling my dad and you better fucking hope he doesn't cancel the wedding, so get ready to beg for my forgiveness." She snarled hatefully storming off with angry huffs and puffs.

We all stood there and as much as I wanted to take in how good this smelt on me.
My eyes were on Mitch who was soaked in the coke.
He turned to me.
"Sorry about her, I think I'll keep apologizing on her behalf until I'm finally six feet under." He let out an awkward laugh.
"I'm going to get cleaned up before tonight." He said walking off towards maybe Abel's room.
It was the complete opposite of where Santana went.

"Are you okay, Morgan?" Amber asked me with a frown.
"I'm fine." I smiled at her.
"But I'll head home to clean up-"
"You can do that here-"
"No it's okay, I need to talk to my boss anyway. What time should I come back?" I asked.

Rocky looked at me.
"We'll meet up at the Temptation club, they allow minors. It's better than being here knowing she's bound to break in, plus its the weekend." He pointed out.
"So meet us there at eight." He told me.
I blinked but nodded.
"See you guys tonight." I said walking out of the dorm house.

She really knew how to ruin the mood.
But I was surprised that Mitch hit her.
He keeps doing that..
Surprising me.

I walked into the building where Valentine worked to only hear shocked gasps.
I forget I had this huge pizza smear on my shirt not to mention the coke got on me when she threw it.
So I was a bit of a mess.

I walked in and was horrified.
Valentine was here.
But so was Ambrose Forbes, Ziggy Grimes and Deidre Levine.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Valentine asked me and I stood there but blinked.
"O-Oh um.., one of my new friends has a rather.. irritating girlfriend who doesn't like me, she smeared our lunch on me and then some of the coke she threw at him got on me.." I nibbled my lip and Valentine was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Morgan, why are you here right now?"
I frowned how different he acted when there were other pimps or madams here.
"I came to let you know I'm going to the Temptation club tonight based on an invite, I figured I'd get clients easier that way." I informed him.

"That's a rather smart move." Deidre commented impressed and my heart was in my throat.
Valentine took note I wouldn't respond before smirking.
"You can talk to them Morgan, they're not like Shay." He told me and I tried to relax but couldn't.

"Not like Shay? What did she do now?" Ziggy smirked.
"She may of ran into my little employee over here, but he refused to talk to her like the good boy he is, but we all know how Shay is. She had her whip and she let him feel it." He explained.
Deidre made a face of disgust.
"She's going to get in trouble doing that sort of thing on the street-"

"Not to mention, damaging our attractive products loses precious clientele." Ambrose commented with his eyes on me.
"She didn't scar you did she?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Take your shirt off and throw it in the trash, Morgan." Valentine told me removing his coat.

My face grew warm but I did as instructed before turning to them.
I flinched feeling a hand on my back.
"It won't scar Valentine, but he is bruised deeply. You should of reported her to Clive, this is unacceptable as a madam. It makes me, Ariana and Whitney look bad." Deidre complained.

"I'll deal with her tonight then, we have a meeting that includes the eight of us plus Clive himself. We can bring it up then." Valentine walked up to me and dropped his jacket over my shoulders looking at me.

"Go home Morgan, make sure you clean up and get plenty of customers tonight. I know you can do it." He leaned in with his lips to my ear.
"If you do a good job, I'll reward you." He kissed my neck and I shivered but smiled.
"I won't let you down." I smiled.

"You better not." He said.
And with that.
This night just got a lot more interesting. 

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